(no subject)

Oct 01, 2007 00:47

So far this semester I have had a crazy workload, and while that has not changed I now have to really worry about Senior Paper, much more so than I did earlier in the semester. Yes, I have been doing work for it all semester but now I'm actually starting to panic a little bit, because the first draft of that thesis is due in about 2.5 weeks. Yeah, that is coming up rather quickly, thus panic is definitely starting to set in.

There are also some other things that are really starting to get to me. Those things would be taking the GRE and other grad school stuff. The GRE just scares me in general, and well, so do some of these grad school programs. But I'm also afraid that I'm just not going to have the proper time or brain power to take the GRE decently or to fill out decent applications. Time is something that I don't really have much of these days. Yeah, I'll figure something out.

Enough of that.

This evening we had a lot of wasps swarming around our balcony, at one point we counted at least 20. Eventually they dissipated a little bit and there were only about 6-10 at a time, but still. It was not okay with me.

I found out the other day that my mom decided to put a new shower-head system in the bathroom that my sister and I share in Houston. Apparently this process involved knocking a hole in my wall, over my bed (though I'm sure they moved it). Because of course the bathroom just happens to be located on the other side of my bedroom wall, and of course the wall that I share with the bathroom just happens to be the one with all the plumbing. I find it pretty funny, I mean, I now have a hole in my wall leading from my bed to the bathroom...I can now be really lazy and just shower from my bed if I really wanted to! Hehe.

Also: Fall Break is coming up soon, this week actually...and that means I get to go see The Phenomenologist!!! I'm so excited about that. I'm taking a six day weekend (Thursday through Tuesday) and going to DC. God, I can't wait. Getting to spend time with him again will really be so wonderful.

I am now reading Children of the Mind when I can. I'm still near the beginning, but it seems to be just as good as the rest of the series. Those books are pretty great.

That is all I have to say for now.
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