005 | Video - Backdated to early morningish

Mar 29, 2011 22:56

[The feed comes on as Jennifer hops back a step, giving plenty of space for a lone Harpy to land on the street in front of her shop. It was still early and Jennifer had been sweeping out her little shop, but before Jennifer could give her customary hello and a smile, the Harpy folded back its wings, a touch twitchy before clicking her tongue.]

click What's… click click animal that walks… hiss on all four in the…


morning, two in the after… noon, click and three in the evening?

[The Harpy sat back on its haunches, its wings giving another flick before settling against its back, pleased.]

[Jennifer smiled and waved a hand] Oh! You're a riddler. Well, that's an easy one. The answer is obviously Yuuri! He does tend to crawl out of bed doesn't he? And I'm amazed he's able to walk at all when he comes home! He's usually bent over doubled after pulling some muscle or other after baseball practice.

[Jennifer sighs and leans on her broom]

I wish Ken-chan was here...

((ooc: Jennifer's going to have a nice old talk with the harpy scout! Backdated to early morning when they're still more scout-ish rather then hunting in packs.))

uncursed, event!omens

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