004 | Accidental Video - In dire need of a spring cleaning!

Mar 18, 2011 23:41

Wolf-chan's coming~♫ Wolf-chan's coming~♫ Wolf-chan's coming~♫

[Humming, Jennifer started picking up stacks of books off the floor and piling them all in the kitchen. One room at a time, Jennifer was going to get this place in order! Because Wolfram was coming to live with them~ Except there's Klarth frantically following her around and trying to grab any and every book he feels is needed. Which was pretty much all of them! Sily man...]

A-Ahhhh... J-Jennifer... please, allow me to take care of... [Yoinks another book from Jennifer's hand.] these... Despite what you may think, I have them precisely laid out so that I know where everything is.

[Jennifer blinks at her empty hand and then turns back to Klarth, hands on her hip and an exasperated smile on her face.] Now Klarth! Be reasonable. I'm just going to dust them off and put them off to the side and they'll still be right there where you need them! Now why don't you go get another bookshelf and some tea and when you come back, everything will be nice and clean, hmm?

[Leaning forward, Jennifer smiles sweetly and then starts pushing him towards the door, making little effort to steer him around the stacks littering the floor since, well, they'll all be moved around in a minute anyway. It's about time somebody cleaned this place up!]

I-I understand, however, they're opened and marked exactly where I need them to be and-- [And there goes some books toppling over, and then another stack and another and...] Ahh!!

[Jennifer doesn't even spare a glance for the avalanche of books cascading all across the room as she steps over the mess and keeps nudging Klarth towards the door, disregarding each pleading look over his shoulder at her.] Opps! See what you did? Now I'll have to pick them all up although if you're worried about losing your place, maybe you should pick up a few bookmarks while you're out. And sticky notes! You can't go wrong with sticky notes.

[Pulling a jacket off a hanger along with his hate and gloves, Jennifer presses them into Klarth's hands and shoves him out the door.]

Ahh.. ha ha ha ha~ All right, all right... Just... Just do as you please then...

[Sniffles, Klarth was sniffling! Feeling just a pang, Jennifer noted the droop in his shoulders and the sigh of defeat as he started walking away from the door. She had done the right thing, right? Softly closing the door, Jennifer rolled up her sleeves and pumped her fist. Yosh! She had work to do! And maybe she'll make something extra special for dinner to make it up to Klarth. He really had been such a kind old friend, letting her and her family stay with him...]

((ooc: Obviously, Jennifer is red and Klarth is blue. Feel free to send comfort to Klarth in this post, but make sure to ask for him in the subject header if you do! Backdated to midmorning of the 18th.)

kkm crew related, uncursed, joint post

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