LIAM and ME: the DRAMA!

Jul 11, 2006 19:27

Hey Everyone

The weirdness of camp.

I wanted to tell you all about camp, and the hottie.  My only problem is that he is 18 years old.  Kind of too young for me.  On top of which I'm confused about he feels, or IF he feels anything, what all this means.  So here goes nothing.

I arrived in North Battleford with Re, Lane and Aleena at 5:20pm, we had dinner, and then Lane and me ran into Liam the guy in my pic.  Him and me haven't really talked lately.  He started dating a while back my ex-friend Rebekah, and then they broke up and things got weird between us.  And we hadn't seen each other until camp.  Then Lane said hi to him and I was there because I was going with Lane to the car.  So I said hi and we gave an AWKWARD hug!!  And off Lane and me went.

After that I spent a lot of AWKWARD moments with him.  He would just stare at me and smile when we were in line for a meal.  Or he would hide behind someone and play peekaboo.  Then there was this moment when him and I were just standing there, he was starring and smiling, and my adopted niece and her friend came over, and nicknamed him smiley because they thought that was all he did.  Well around me that seems like ALL he did.

One night he walked me back to my room, and we were talking when my friend Elisia walked in and it was kind of interupted so he left to go to bed.  But it was still sooooooo AWKWARD!

Another time early in the week my friend Erin and me went for a walk to talk about John, a man I liked.  We ended up meeting with Liam, and he just stood there smiling at me and not talking, just smiling and starring.  Afterwards Erin said that she found that SOOOO awkard, and said she could understand why I was feeling that way.  She said it was like he wanted something, or wasnt' sure what he wanted to say, she just thought it was weird.

Friday night I decided to ignore Liam because I couldn't take it anymore, but instead the Lord spoke to me in service, so I went and was going to talk to him.  Erin introduced him to her friend, then we took some pics, and then Li and me were left to talk to each other.  So I told him what had been my plan before service, and then we talked to each other for about 45mins - 1hr just the two of us.  Then my friend Beth came in and needed prayer, so I had my arm around Beth and grabbed Liams hand.  We prayed for Beth, and then I opened my eyes and just him and I were holding hands!  We kinda hesitated, and then quickly took our own hands back.  Normally when we pray we hold hands, but I hadn't realized that he wouldn't hold beth's!  My heart was pounding!  We spent until 11:30pm together the 3 of us, him and me having our own convo when some other girls came.  They told us they needed escorts, so Beth my friend asked Liam to be her escort, he looked awkward and disappointed but said yes.  That's just the type of guy he is.  Then I gave the girls there lectures about letting the guys come to them.  Liam looked at my and saying with his eyes, thanks for telling them that.  We talked just the 3 of us for a few more minutes, and then left to go to our dorms.  I gave Beth a hug, and bugged Liam about not giving me one, he smiled and came right over, giving me a tight squeeze and holding me for a bit before whispering, "I wanted to escort you tonight back to your room."  My heart started to pound and then I realized I had feelings for him.  I told him that I appreciated him taking my friend and that he could be my escort the next night.

The next day we had lunch, and dinner together, along with spending some time together.  And then that night after the bonefire, we began walking back together.  We had a really nice time and chat, until he picked up my friend Holly and I made the stupid comment, "Thanks for stealing my date!!"  I was sooooooooo embarrassed, thank the Lord it was DARK!  We were walking, and the next thing I know he starts singing the theme to Aladin,  A Whole New World.  And when he's singing the part, "Tell me, princess {jabs me in the side while singing}, now when did
You last let your heart decide?"  And I informed him my name meant Princess.  And then we got back to my dorm and him and my friend Holly dropped me off.  I went to give Holly a hug first, only he had his arms ready, but I wanted to save the best for last!  ;) Considering I really liked him by this point.

Then the next day he asked me to save a spot for him at my table for lunch, so I did.  And we talked along with the rest of the group.  Took some more pics, and then headed off to load up for leaving camp.  We hugged about 4 times before we left, and it just felt right at the end.  He told me that he couldn't like anyone at camp right then because he still wasn't over Rebekah and that was the last serious note we had.  And then we hugged, I told him I loved him and he just smiled and I left.

Then he sent me this email.  (Aside note: He has ALWAYS ended his emails to me with "Hugs Liam," why did he choose to write that he loves me now?):

Hey Sarah
thanks for sticking it out with me too :)
I didn't mean to cause problems... I guess I can be awkward at times... but yeah, I liked hanging out with you very much. :D
(I am in victoria now... BC is sooo beautiful!!!!
I don' tknow how often I will be able to get a hold on a computer so I may not be able to respond until fall, but I will then. :)
Love you

What does all this mean?  I'm really confused.  What do you think is going on?  Or am I overreacting?  I don't read guys very well, at all.

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