Jan 08, 2008 14:41
Last night John and I went to the robots (:p) meeting again. The location of the meeting is in this Virginia town named Burke. We hate this town, because we've never driven through it in the daytime, and the street names in this area are ridiculous and confusing.
Braddock Lake
Burke Lake
Burke Pond
Burke Center Parkway
Burke View
Burke Rd
Burke Rd again (I'm not kidding)
Along the way are two shopping centers across the street from one another titled Burke Village and Burke Village II (again, I'm not kidding.), as well as Burke middle school and Braddock Lake high school.
It was as though the most unimaginative city planners made up the names for this city. In the subdivision where the robot kids (:p) live, the street names are as follows:
Oak Leather
Quiet Oak
Burr Oak
Dundas Oak
All topped off, of course, with the Oaks Community Center. You see this kind of thematic-but-in-the-most-awful-way street naming all through this town.
As we drove home that night, John joked about the people living in Burke (Burke-ites? Burkonians? Burkens?) being like smurfs. "Maybe they just use the word Burke in everything," he said. "What a burke day! I'm so burking tired. He did that so burkily!" I went on to say that we should use it as a swear word. Burke you! You burkehole. What a pile of burke. You burkewad. You dipburke. You burking mother-burker!"
It got worse from there as we began to shove the word Burke into every street name we passed and every phrase we could think of.
And then, after we finally near home at the end of an hour long trip back, we realize that less than a block from our apartment is a building with a sign that says, "Welcome to Burke School."
It was horrifying.