Jul 18, 2005 23:13
I have one.
Apparently, anyway.
Month in France and following week in the Alps were both excellent - apparently I learned lots of french, although I found my lack of German when visiting austira and germany to be quite quite upsetting....so i'm going to take german next semester, and not french. I've been told that this is a stupid thing to do, but as i said, i was very disturbed that I couldn't communicate with the austians....they seemed like nice people anyway, although too much coleslaw served with everything. The fresh milk with every meal made up for it.
and the alps too, those were quite amazing, and, not surprisingly, BIG and GLACIER COVERED. it was quite awsome, to say the least.
I am home now though, speaking english again, and slightly disappointed by the size of the green and adarondack mountains....keep seeing clouds towering above the mountains and thinking that they're snow capped peakes...for which kevin makes lots of fun at me...
I am very very very busy. Because I have until August 7th to earn as much money as possible to pay my parents back the money i owe them for france...which is...a lot. although they are wonderful people and tell me they don't expect all, or even most, of it back. but since i am soon going to be a "responsible adult"* I feel i should make a decent effort to pay back as much as possible.
Thus, I am babysitting 3-4 days a week for Isabella, who is now 10 months old, and a very lovely little baby. She does the baby things, like making dirty diapers and crying when she falls over and sometimes refusing to eat....but she also laughs ALOT for a 10 month old. and only REALLY crys when it's necessary - the rest of the time it's just a *wimper* to make sure i'm paying attention. And, best of all, she likes sleeping. a lot. In my lap. and i believe i have stated before how very much i love having a baby fall asleep in my lap...just makes me turn into a bundle of mushy "AWWW" and then i fall asleep too....
so it's all good.
I'm also doing laundry for the boys camp again. first day back, i found a slug in one of their pockets...atleast, that's what i'm hoping it was...but really, i love this job too - it makes me feel quite tough to tell people about it. and tough is another good feeling. so i can endure the slugs. (Incedently, Harry Potter 6 is mainly about slugs and death...well there's a little more too it after reading it all the way though - infact, it was one of my favorite HP books so far - but from reading the chapter titles i was sure that's all there was - slugs and death.)
And one day a week i get to visit kevin, whose working his usual summer job as a councillor at his summer camp. Proubably the highlight of my week...inspite of all of Isabella's charms, i do often come home from my days with her smelling like babywipes, which, inspite of bein deprived of showers for a week at a time, is something that kevin never smells like, i promise. So inspite of missing him terribly, things with kevin are going really well (purly, ofcourse, because he does not smell at all like babywipes.). We're at 8 months now, and i'm still so happy with everything about him...still finding him wonderfully interesting...so this is all very well and good...in addition to being much happier with life then i've ever been, there's the added bonus that i don't have to worry about crushes or being rejected and all that unrequited love junk. it's quite a wonderful change, i highly recommend it.
Other things...
Have had lovely visists with Hannah (Ithica), and Bob, some nice chats with kendra and Lendy (who is finilly home from her year in spain), lots and lots of hugs - SolarFest was amazing, btw, although I got really really tired and left a bit early so that i wouldn't crash the car driving us home...good thing to, 'cause as soon as i got home I had the closest thing to a tantrum that i've had in about 16 years - i was SO TIRED. really, it was a tantrum. I'm a bit ashamed of myself. But there was a mouse in my wall and it was SCRATCHING AND SCRATCHING and i couldn't find anything, and I wanted to sleep so badly and my room was a mess and i missed kevin, and it just seemed like a good time to start bawling my eyes out. Good times.
oh...there was an asterisc a while ago next to something aboout adultness. and that is because i am nearly 18. and just a few days ago i sent in my voter registration stuff. and I am SO EXCITED. i am so tired of being a college student and travelling/living on my own/doing my own laundry and STILL having to gett my parents to sign permission forms. so thank god that'll be over. also, VOTING. even though i don't think there's anything to vote for this year, not even a local election...ah well...soon...
so year, i think that's enoough with the updating. y'all get the idea. I am quite happy with everything, even the slugs and babywipes.
Love and Hugs!