DATE: Day 74
buyveidt &
callmeotterpopSTATUS: Closed // Incomplete
SUMMARY: Bobby and Adrian are trapped together in their cabin, and Bobby has taken it upon himself to throw things at Mr. Veidt; who is less than amused.
LOCATION: Cabin 100
It was when a pillow was tossed at him that Adrian Veidt realized, perhaps it would be entirely too painful for him to be locked up in his cabin. It wasn't that he was vehemently against having a little fun, but he wasn't interested in childish games, and tossing pillows at one another seemed remarkably childish. Bubastis, who had been lounging quite silently on that side of the bed, perked up at the pillow when it flew overhead and seemed to give Adrian a look. She wasn't adverse to fun, and she hopped lankily off of the bed to go and sit beside Bobby.
Adrian sat quietly up from where he had been laying on his and Bubastis' chunk of the bed, before lifting the pillow. After all, he was in space. His home had been destroyed, and there was no one to impress here -- no corporate banquets to attend and no face to save. He weighed the pillow between both of his hands, smiled only a little, then launched it casually over at his roommate's head.