wearing your clothes, head down to toes [open; incomplete]

Apr 07, 2009 20:41

DATE: Day 61.
CHARACTER(S): Cable, Bobby, Rikku, and Deadpool.
STATUS: Open; incomplete.
SUMMARY: Cable's once dormant powers are now at maximum potential. Cue everyone freaking the fuck out.
LOCATION: An unstable garden.

It had come like a heart attack. Sudden. Seizing his entire body until he felt numb, breathless, dead. Then it came into him. A sudden surge of energy thrumming through his body, filling him with strength and power and sight.

He could see the girls cowering in the corner. He could see Stark's vomit dribbling down his chin and the worried looks of his friends. He could see the cafeteria, the individual cabins, the Council room. He could see so much at once that he felt--he felt--


Cable had bodyslid to the garden, floating in a meditative state with a bubble of energy thrumming around him. The trees, the plants, the animals were all Cable and Cable was them. He closed his eyes, taking in the essence of life and psyche and thrilling sensations.

Everything was sharper, clearer, there.

And he knew how to go back.

He knew how to save this wretched space ship.

He knew and saw everything.

†rikku, †deadpool, †cable, bobby drake

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