(no subject)

Mar 25, 2009 18:46

I understand our protection is gone and replaced by this police...

tell me, given the circumstance it's not impossible to say that a being from another dimension may have abilities that would be abysmally effective against an unarmed person. The police can only be so many places at once so inform me. Why do you desire to take weaponry from the citizens? This may be 498 years in my future but I'd like to know what happened to the right to bear arms...It would be a shame should something gain an advantage over other citizens, and I'm positive that conventional firearms of my time would not be harmful to the point of compromising this station. I'm sure. I'm also positive modern technology could likely cure many ailments I would have considered fatal. So I ask in the most kind and gentle way.

Where may my gun have been placed, and if I cannot have it back with the round it has in it, may I at least have it returned to me. It's of personal sentiment and I would gladly appreciate it back.

Thank you for listening.
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