First Post!

Jan 22, 2020 18:19

Welcome to my Fic Journal.

I warned you on my profile page, and I warn you again now - This lj is a fic-only journal. a) It's going to contain slash. b) I don't own any of the people involved in my works, that's why they call it 'fan-fiction' and not just plain 'fiction'. c) Comments and con-crit are welcomed, flames are not.

The way I'm going to work is like this - All posts will be open except anything that I think should be age restricted. That will be put under friend-lock. If you're clicking to friend me in order to read the posts that are f-locked I'm going to assume that a) you've read this, and b) you are old enough to read them, or c) that you're not old enough to read them, but understand that I'm covering my own arse here, and if you read stuff you shouldn't it's entirely your own fault/business.

Edit: As of right now (1 am on the 7th Feb 2008) I've also f-locked the two fluffy but RPS fics at the request of tabimendou If anyone has any objections to this, please take it up with me. She asked, but I decided to go with it. Those things that are f-locked are mostly due to being one of three things: 1) Rated R or above, 2) RPS or 3) Embarassingly old and worryingly poorly worded.

Also, if you are also a little uncomfortable about anything I've posted, please reply to this post, I consider it a mod-post/forum that you can use to ask me about stuff. If you think I should put all of my RPS under f-lock, please let me know. All questions and ideas will be taken under consideration. Thank you.

Okay, now I've got all that covered, on with the show...

Have fun, read well, don't be scared to comment at any point. I have a back-log of stuff that will proabably be making it's way here at a slow-but-steady pace, so if there's not much to read at the moment please check back later.

plum x.

first post, modpost

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