Title: Jam Sandwiches
plumoneonesevenRating: PG. Because Molly might sometimes say things she doesn't understand.
Warnings: Slash, and it's not your usual.
galacticconman requested Ianto/Owen. I said I'd rather not. Then she gave me the idea of Molly. And I damned her to the fiery pit from whence she came. 1st Person. Written by an eight year old (kind of). Extreme
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Also good goddess could Ianto get any more stuffy, boy needs more fun!
I happen to find cleaning calming, and I like it when my daughter is clean and tidy too. She does tend to take after Owen more in that respect.
In any case, yes I am glad no one had told Molly why you don't work with us full time, or what it is you do the rest of the time.
Molly has asked for you to come and visit next weekend. She's having a friend or possibly friends over, and I think she wants to show you off to them. Or something. You'd better be on your best behaviour in front of eight year olds though.
The park is always a good bet. I think they're having a sleepover. It's fine with me so long as it's fine with the other kids parents, but Moll wants you, and I said I'd ask.
Do you even know what I do with my spare time?
Sure that sounds like fun. I like the park. Can I bring Rain? Oh that's right you don't know who she is...
Do I want to know?
I do know who Rain is, the trouble is Molly doesn't. I'll check with her if it's alright, she'll have friends here already so I don't want her getting that sort of news with all her mates sitting around. Maybe if you and Rain come early so they can meet beforehand...
I have a daughter, it's not all crazy like it used to be. Do stupidly normal things now.
So he told you. I know we have our differences but I kinda would like us not to. We can come round early, if it's all okay with you and her.
There are certainly more spelling tests and mental maths than there ever was before. And buying for 'us' like 'What do we need from the shops?' It sneaks up on you.
Yes he told me. I think it's a good thing he did. We have had some differences, but yes, it would be nice not to. We're both relatively reasonable people, and i think it'd be good for the girls to know one another. As I say, it is up to Molly who she has at this sleepover thing, so I'll be asking her about Rain in the morning, but I'm sure it'll be alright. I'll let you know. It's okay with me, certainly. I think I'd like to meet her too. Afterall, you're a part of Molly's life...
Oh yes. I left her alone to do her homework yesterday I came back and found the guinea pig had died, she'd found him. So now the coffee table has a perfectly pinned out and preserved guinea pig sat there on it in a little case. Owen was fascinated and proud when he got in.
I understand, can always have them meet some other time, could always bring her round to meet you and then drop her back home, some nice father & daughter time for them.
You must be... thrilled. I'll be he was. Does Rain want to take after him then? Go into the Doctoring business? I'm pretty sure Molly wants to write when she grows up. She loves books, we've got a car-boot ale coming up soon, and on martha's advice she's saving her pocket money so hatwhile we're there trying to get rid of a loadof old stuff she'll be buying more books. Not that I mind. I love to read to her, or with her.
As I say, I'll ask when she's awake, but if you think Rain would be okay with that, and if Molly isn't happy with her staying for the whole thing, maybe Rain and Owen could have a nice time together, or if you want to spend it the three of you then I could tell Molly you were busy for the weekend. Rain is your daughter, she comes first for you, before my daughter. That's how it should be.
I told Rain about Molly a while back, she'd love to meet her. You were saying about books? I'll see if Rain has any of hers she'd want to bring over for Molls as a present. I think they'll love having some time for the pair of them, any excuse to sit about playing video games or something.
I don't think I'll be antagonising you any time soon then.
What, like ending up in the Beacons again? No fear. I don't do camping.
I'm not sure a pink choker is quite me, but you're right about the ties. *grin*
He mutters a lot. It's usually affectionate grumbling mixed with teasing, it tends to stop fairly quickly once things get going.
I'm just a little overprotective. Can't help it.
I was meaning more waking up on the living room floor again. Found this perfect spot that gets the sun in the morning so nice to wake up to. Camping maybe on the roof garden but that's about it.
Any colour ribbon works. Jack was less than impressed that morning, his fault if he leaves us alone in the hub and buggers off somewhere. It's a contest now see who can do things in the most places in the hub.
I think every parent is.
Much more friendly. Comfy, no trekking into the wilderness, and if you feel like it you can watch telly.
Is this a competiton between you and Owen and your me and Jack? I think they can give you a run for your money! Jack does things like that. He tends to stop it if I promise him coffee. Poke your me and tell him to make Jack coffee whenever you ask him to, it distracts him.
I asked Molly, and she said having Rain over would be fine, but I think letting them meet beforehand would be a good idea. Apparently the sleepover starts at seven-ish, so if you get here at about six we can all get settled before Moll's friends arrive.
Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, we've spent all day spring cleaning the house!
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