Seriously. I love Thursday nights and tonight was doubly better because I finally watched the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who. And OMG um. I loved it.
Just some notes because I seriously can't think enough to write full paragraphs, let alone sentences (Oh and yes, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- I really like Amy Pond and the supporting characters. Really liked the story on how they first meet and how he's late all the time. Hee. I had a feeling when she got her suitcase out, ready to meet him in 5 minutes that he'd be late. REALLY late.
- I hope we see more of Rory and Jeff. I just like that the Doctor got everyone involved right off the bat. No surprising the parents or friends or whoever that he's an alien and there are aliens and omg all that stuff. But I guess by this time everyone knows about all the extraterrestrial stuff...
- Fish fingers and custard! That whole food bit was so funny. Love that Matt Smith has the zany Doctor down pat.
- The whole bit with the Atraxi (sp??) meeting 11 and 11 telling it to "basically, run" was great. How he's the protector of the Earth. Wish there was a real Doctor. Sigh.
- Saw the whole running away the night before the wedding thing coming. And how sad was the look in Amy's eyes when she sees the TARDIS leaving? I'm glad he came back (albeit 2 years later) for her to 'run away.' Bad timing usual. Or maybe good timing?
- Also, wonder who she's getting married to. Rory? Or Jeff? Or someone else?
- Heeeee the whole scene with 11 changing into his new clothes. Rory: Aren't you going to look away? Amy: No. Normally, that would have completely annoyed me because after Martha, I got so sick of the whole Doctor/companion love angle thing. But this reminds me a lot of Nine and Rose, where the chemistry was immediately there but there wasn't really a hint of a romance. There probably will be that in this series, but I'm hoping they take it REALLY slow. But it's early days yet...we'll see what I think of any possible love angle if it shows up a few episodes down. (** actually, I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of that sort of stuff - what with Rory and Jeff, and the show probably trying to keep the younger audiences interested? I dunno...**)
- New TARDIS! New screwdriver! New everything!
- I have to say a lot about Matt Smith but I don't want to ramble on. So I'll just say a bit of what my mind is thinking right now: I know a lot of people (just generally - from what I read on the Web and etc.) were a little iffy on him and understandably so. For me, after the last DT episode (gosh I'm a bad fan. I can't even remember the episode. The End of Time? Right?), when the regeneration occurred, I couldn't really judge from the 30 seconds Matt had on screen. But after the trailer came out - OMG. I was just excited for the series as a whole. And I grew more excited about Matt Smith. The last few weeks though, I got nervous. What if he wouldn't be as good? What if he just tried to do a DT thing? What if, what if? Weeeelllll, after watching "The Eleventh Hour," I can safely (and LOUDLY) say that he. Is. Fantastic. As much as I loved Ten, uhhh, I'm really, REALLY excited for Eleven.
OK I'm definitely entering the ramble zone. Apologies for the complete babbling. I knew exactly what I was going to write about while I watched the show, but it all just comes out so jumbled afterward. I'll have to start taking notes while I watch from now on, hehe.
Anyway! Hope you all enjoyed "The Eleventh Hour" too and CANNOT WAIT for the next episode.
Sigh. I love Doctor Who. So happy it's back!