Firstly Kimya Dawson is goddamn awesome.
Okay, those of you who keep track with
copperbadge (and those of you who don't - you should) will probably have heard of 'that girl' the girl who R was dating that was a properly insane 'insane ex'. My brother may well have become 'that guy'.
While I was staying at my Mum's (and sleeping in a chair because my bed is full of Mum's sewing stuff and other random crap) I got visited by my brother's ex's parents. Saying 'please stop your brother from stalking our daughter, or we'll call the police'. To be fair to my brother, he has decided to just leave it all now, and there is no more drama really, but I have no time at the mo to write more. I'll edit it in once I get home. (I'm at Chris and Jayne's having finished cleaning.)
And now for the meme!
1. Pick 15 of your favourite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Fill in the film title once it's guessed.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions.
1. A: "I told you, I blew a fuse when I totaled that electrical tower. I was checking out some daisies."
B: "You crashed while looking at FLOWERS?" - Flight of the Navigator -
loopily and
k_o_r 2. A: "You an American?"
B: "Only if New Jersey counts."
3. A: "And you're a robber too. How long have you been a robber?"
B: "Four foot one."
A: "Good lord! Jolly good. Four foot one? Well that-that-that is-is- a long time, isn't it?" Time Bandits -
loopily 4. A: "It's blue glass."
B: "Must be from Kentucky, then."
5. "Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends."
6. "Well, I wouldn't argue that it wasn't a no-holds-barred, adrenaline-fuelled thrill ride. But there is no way you can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork." Hot Fuzz - Of course!
oz_the_bobble 7. A: "You're not the man I knew ten years ago."
B: "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark -
apiphile 8. A: "I have nothing... to live for out there."
B: "What is out there?"
A: "Boundless human stupidity."
B: "I can live with that."
9. A: "He's not my boyfriend!"
B: "It might be a bit warm, the cooler's off."
A: "Thanks, babe." Shaun of the Dead -
oz_the_bobble and
apiphile 10. A: "Ah, so you and your mom are both wacked?"
B: "I dunno. That's that whole nature versus nurture question, isn't it? Was I born a cute, vindictive, little bitch or... did society make me that way? I go back and forth on that..."
11. A: "I'm an outlaw. That's what. That's no life for a lovely lady. Always on the run. What kind of a future is that?"
B: "Oh, for heaven's sake, son. You're no outlaw. Why, someday, you'll be called a great hero."
A: "A hero? Did you hear that, Johnny? We've just been pardoned!"
C: "Oh, that's a gas. We ain't even been arrested yet." Robin Hood -
oz_the_bobble 12. A: "Oh my gosh, he's so cute."
B: "Who said that?"
A: "Um, sorry." Prince Caspian -
bloodrunner666 13. "Alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, may produce all the effects of drunkenness." Wilde -
apiphile 14. "There are times when we're dirt broke, hungry, and freezing, and I ask myself, why the hell am I still living here?"
"And then they call. And I remember." RENT -
imsane_honest 15. "Was that car supposed to explode?"
Yeah, I know I've re-used the first five from last time I did this meme, but no one got them then, and I've got more people on my flist now, let's see if any of the newbies can get them!
Love you.
plum x.