Jul 04, 2012 19:08
I found out yesterday that I have cancer.
It's an extremely slow-growing form. I'm going back to Sloan-Kettering within a week to have a full body (or almost) CAT scan and an MRI on my uterus to see if it is anywhere else besides the little spot they found on my peritoneum when taking out my tumor (which was also cancerous). I will have surgery within the month to remove my right ovary and a fat pad in my abdomen, as well as taking biopsies of other areas around my reproductive organs. We will go from there to see if I need to start hormone therapy, as this type of cancer apparently almost never needs chemotherapy.
The treatment is going to be very fast not because of the cancer or because the doctor is afraid for me or anything, but simply because she is over seven months pregnant and is going out on maternity leave in August, so she wants all her patients taken care of before she goes.
I do feel in my heart that it's very possibly the cancer is elsewhere in my body, but all tests I've had previously have come back clear. I think the worst case scenario is that it's in my uterus and I have to have a hysterectomy and thus can't have my own children. If I was in my 40's and had already had children, the doctor said she would just do a hysterectomy to get rid of everything because I'd be done with my uterus and ovaries. I will be devastated if this ends up being the case, however if, eventually, that is something that needs to be done for me to survive, then I'm behind it.
I haven't cried or had a breakdown yet, because it still feels like we're just discussing something happening to someone else. It doesn't feel like something occurring inside of MY body. It's all very surreal.