Oct 08, 2013 14:51
So, it’s possible that I take on too many things. I couldn’t possibly comment. However, it must be said that I have a lot of things to do between now and Christmas, and money is a bit tight.
Christmas presents - Since the girls are of that age where they just love opening things and don’t really mind what’s in it as long as it’s theirs, I’ve been using my spare hour on Fridays (when we finish work early) to go trawling round charity shops looking for stuff for sprogs. So far I’ve spent £35 and got them 8 books, a dress and dressing up costume each, 2 soft toys, several stocking fillers and a plaster of paris modelling set. We will be getting them specific things that they do want - lego and larp weapons for Empire are on the cards - but this is spreading the load of Christmas and ensuring that they get the magic without costing us a fortune.
Craft fayre - Toni and I have dared each other to try it and the end result is that we have a stall on a local craft fayre on 22nd November. She’s making patchwork designs such as bags and cushions, and I’m engraving glassware. Hers has the distinct advantage that it’s not too noisy to work on in company, mine has the advantage that it’s faster to do once you get started. I’m rather nervous that I’ll either have far too much stock left over or not make enough, but since my investment is £7.50 fee for the table and around 50p per glass, I hope I should at least break even without too much difficulty. That’s another thing I’m trawling round charity shops for, for preference I’m sourcing my glass there rather than buy cheap stuff from larger stores.
Crafting schedule - I have several knitted things I want to make, but they’re not on a deadline other than self-imposed ones. What I absolutely have to do is:
Make Audrey’s Wasp costume - 26/10
Make Ceri’s Black Widow costume - 26/10
Make Alan’s new top - 1/11
Make Alan a CK tabard - 1/11
Make Alan’s other CK tabard - 1/11
Adjust my warm skirt - 1/11
Make my coat - 1/11 (OK so I can cope without a new coat, but I do freeze at events so I’d really like to)
Make a seal - 1/11
Engraving glasses - 22/11
Make shield covers for Ceri’s Christmas - 24/12
Decorate Audrey’s wand - 24/12
And I’d also like to knit some gloves, scarves, Christmas things and some socks too. Totally doable, right?