Now, if you don't know about this guy please start
here, or
here, or even
Where'd you first meet the guy? I first met Barack in a youtube vid- this one...
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Go ahead and click over to part two. He's compelling. He's also far prettier than all the other folks there. Even his wife isn't in the same teir of attractiveness (and how odd is that.) I want to live in the America he talks about. I want to see the world that he sees. It has to have unicorns and rainbows without rain clouds. It's just a pity he believed in Kerry. But then again it was 2004.
In Jan. of 2007 he announced his intentions to figure out if he had intentions to run in 2008
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I wasn't as wowed, but even in this he was engaging. He seems genuine, concerned, and like the dad next door who offers to shovel your sidewalk too, just because he's already out and you just look tired. He makes some good points and that he used youtube as a tool that early on in his campaign is very smart. He or at least his advisers were aware of the power of giving up some of the control to the interwebs and just letting people do the hard work of advertising through free viral campaigns.
If you go to his
youtube channel you see over 600 videos, mostly his speeches and debates [in clips], but also his ads from tv and videos that he had made only for youtube & myspace. In addition to the youtube and myspace accounts, he also has a
facebook, a
twitter, and instead of a boring old '
sign up for my newsletters' he has a vid going that invites 'you' to help him make a change and to keep yourself aware of all the latest news from his campaign. Compared to all the others running, he's cutting edge, while using tools that are nearing old school for anyone who has been using a computer in the past three years.
In responce to his embracing of the tech, the people are creating and proliferating media....
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The following are more interesting examples of the type of media coming from the people and not the campaign:
Obama Sings the Poo Song Obama vs Clinton (Mac vs PC Style) Yes We Can by Will.I.Am Chris Matthews on Obama's Admisson of Drug Use Bobby Kennedy/Barack Obama - Hope---
This is a kinda cute vid made by the Obama campaign for Iowa.
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I like the retro edu-filmstrip style used. It's funky and obviously targets the younger folks who are new to voting or never had to caucus for a dem before.