So I was a good student last night and instead of going to any parties I went back to my dorm after bio lab and studied. I did, however, wear a costume to lab. It was a Mexican poncho, a cowboy hat, lab goggles, and a nerf shotgun. I was (and I think this is pretty clever myself but it might be a you-had-to-be-there kind of thing):
Ashley [My Last Name], Destroyer of Worlds
I introduced myself as that all night, and signed my papers as such.
At least I wasn't dressed like a Venus Fly Trap though hahaha. Ohhhhhh Matt.
And yay write-in tonight. Hopefully it won't be over by the time I get out of my chem test.
Which I'll probably fail because I've been working on NaNo-related things, like drawing my characters.
I give you: Celmer, the wizard that kind of chain-smokes and lives in the woods alone and seems pretty crazy shady but whatever he's cool haha. (Yes he's a recycled character from a previous novel lol.)
Most wizards have robes. Celmer has an oversized flannel shirt. Because he's cool. And also cheap.
Lol winnar of shittiest drawing ever. And that flannel took me 45 minutes to figure out how to make a pattern no lie.
I am such a waste of life lol.