Oct 31, 2007 11:20
Despite the fact that I have a chem test tomorrow focusing mainly on organic chemistry, I plan to spend most of the night at a Halloween party haha. Since I have no actual costume, I'm thinking Mad Scientist since I'll be going straight to the party after Bio lab. Black Coat, riding boots over sweatpants, latex gloves, lab goggles, perfect hahaha. Oh and messed up hair. XD It'll be fun.
Got a 93% on the Bio test I studied like a beast for. Who da man? I da man. I always suspected.
And NaNo starts tomorrow. Chris Baty sent out this e-mail today about how we should let out characters lead us to the door to our imaginations in our brains during the month. I think, however, that right now the bastards are all rattling that door on its hinges screaming JUST LET US OUT ALREADY!! :D I can't wait to start. Demons and necromancers and angels and superheroes and warlocks and wizards and chemistry labs OH MY! XD
Seriously soooooooo much fun. Can't wait. And I get to go to a write-in tomorrow YAY! :D
November: Great month, or GREATEST month?
(Of course, I won't let my birthday and Thanksgiving and DANE FUCKING COOK bias me, oh no)