Mar 05, 2007 14:34
So writing this collab fanfic has got me thinking about a lot of things, Discworld-wise. The-Midget-Bee, the lovely person I'm writing with, if British. I am most definitely not. I'm doing stuff while writing that I've never done before (or at least I'm noticing it now and I wasn't before, I dunno). For example, I'm getting all tangled up in the whole 'pants' vs. 'trousers' thing. To me, pants are . . . you know. Like, sweats or jeans or something. Trousers are like, formal pants or slacks. But apparently in England, so I'm told, 'pants' are you're uh . . . undaweyahs, and trousers are what I think of as pants. Soooooo . . . I'm sitting here wondering if Vetinari is wearing pants, trousers, underwear or maybe he should just stick with a dress. I don't know. It scares me!
The other thing that has me thinking more is chartacterization and character voice. When I write fic on my own, it's not an issue, cause I just roll with it, you know? But working with someone else forces me to think about maintainging a consistent characters voice. Bee is a lot better at characterization in general than I am (characterization? WTF is that?), and she really gets the Pterry voice down when she writes. But the fic is goofy, sort of, so we've been straying a little from that. And I have a whole lot of trouble with that lol. Vetinari does not say "Yeah whatever manho." I say that. Seperation. Le sigh.
But anyway, enough about that. Now for the part where I ask questions to you all!
1. When you hear Vimes talking in your head (if you're one of those people that hears the characters when you read their dialogue), what does he sound like? (My answer: Clint Eastwood)
2. When you hear Vetinari's "voice," who does he sound like? (My answer: Jon Stewart, no lie)
3. Captain Carrot - who does he sound like? (My answer: I dunno, sort of like Ben Affleck or maybe a little bit of Brad Pitt)
4. Angua? (My answer: Def. Jennifer Aniston (I know, what's wrong with me?))
5. Sybil? (Meryl Streep lol)
6. Drumknott? (hahahaha either Ben Stiller or Steve Carrel lol)
Sooooooooo all of my voices are def. American, even though Discworld books are British (with the exception of Nobby, for some bizarre reason). Anyone else have trouble with this? I mean, Ankh-Morpork is modeled after Britain but also after America a little too, I think (I mean, I see parallels but whatever).
So yeah, what do you all think? I know pretty much everyone who has ever been to DWcon will prolly say Stephen Briggs for Vetinari but the others . . .? I'm fascinated. Add other characters, even, if you see fit. XD