My script for Japanese class? Yeah.
It's crack.
Just a few of the good parts:
チャック ノリス: ハハハ! 私 は さいぎょう の 男の人で、 とても パワフル ですから、 あなたの ボール を さがします。 じゃ、 いきましょう!
(You know who Chuck Norris is. Sure you do.)
リサ: もう アンパンマン の じかん ですから、 とても かなしい です。
チャック ノリス: アンパンマン が だいすき です。 つよい ですねえ。
おにぎりの人: たべもの が だいすき ですから、 私 も アンパンマン が すきです。
チャック ノリス: でも、 アンパンマン は たべもの では ありません。 私 の マーシャル アート の せいと です。
(You don't know who Anpanman is, do you? Do you? LEARN JAPANESE POP CULTURE, YO!)
ダース ベーダ: チャック! 私 は。。。 「breathes heavily」 。。。あなた の おかあさん です!
チャック: いいえ~~~~~~~!
(Yeah... I play Darth Vader. Darth Vader.)
Chuck Norris: Hahaha! Because I'm the strongest man, and very powerful, I'll find your ball. So let's go!
(It's so much funnier when Sarfaraz says it. So much funnier.)
Risa: Because it's already time for Anpanman, I'm very sad.
Chuck Norris: I love Anpanman. He's strong...!
Onigiri Man: Because I love food, I like Anpanman.
Chuck Norris: But Anpanman isn't food. He's my martial arts pupil.
(Once again: Sarfaraz.)
Darth Vader: Chuck! I am... (breathes heavily) ...your mother!
Chuck Norris: Noooooo!
(...I blame McKendry for this...)
Posted a much long time ago on fanfiction:
Title: Excellent Judgment
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: None. (gaspchokeshock!) Or if there is one, I'm not aware of it.
Genre: Introspective short -- a.k.a. General
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis belongs to Konomi Takeshi. This fanfiction was written solely for entertainment purposes. The clip at the top was adapted from the translated/subbed version done by Anime-Otakus.
Inspiration: Episode 97.
Dedication: For Eric, because he did those pro-tennis grunts while we were playing wall-tennis, and I laughed so hard I couldn't serve.
Excellent Judgment
"Kaidou! Go warm up. Kaidou!"
"That won't be necessary."
Heads turn in astonishment.
"That brat will come through for sure. That's just the kind of guy Echizen is."
It is in this moment that Oishi realizes Tezuka was right.
Tezuka was right to put his faith into Echizen Ryoma, just the way that Yamato-buchou was right to put his faith into Tezuka Kunimitsu years before.
He was right.
It's funny that Oishi didn't notice it until now, that they were already starting to depend on, or at least wholly believe in Echizen. He didn't realize that they already trusted him to carry through and to make them win.
He didn't notice it until now.
But now those words Tezuka spoke at the court months ago ring in Oishi's ears and he remembers. He remembers that this is the friend that Momo has always invested all of his trust in, the only person Kaidou has actually spoken well of, the ochibi that Eiji affectionately teases, the player that Fuji most wants to challenge.
The boy that Tezuka believes in, pins his hopes on, pours his faith into.
Oishi watches the match, watches and wonders what Tezuka's reaction would be if he could only be here, could only be standing here beside his team and watching Seigaku's Pillar prove himself once again.
He wonders what Tezuka will say when he calls to tell him.
...I really have to write that fic-shot for
sonkikyo. Like. Now.