Prince of Tennis: Picnic

May 28, 2006 20:09

So... It's the third post for 30_kisses! Yaay!

Title: Picnic
Pairing: Fuji Syuusuke and Echizen Ryoma
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Theme: #19: 赤 (Red)
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis belongs to Konomi Takeshi. This fanfiction was written solely for entertainment purposes.

Inspirations: The watermelon I ate today, the seashore breeze, the FujiRyo I read, and the wonderful Donna Lewis song I listened to, I Love You Always Forever.



Fuji Syuusuke lowers himself onto the blankets already crowded with Seigaku regulars and the ever-present freshmen and takes a slow account of the activities around him. The summer afternoon is hot and still, the sunlight trickling through the clustered leaves above them to create a dappled effect that would be perfect to capture on film.

Off to the edge of the blanket, Eiji and Oishi play cards against Kaidou and Inui, and the trio of freshmen (Fuji can hardly remember their names, though he vaguely remembers that one has two years of tennis experience) watch interestedly. Even this early into the game, Inui is dominating, his creepiest grin spreading over his lips. Eiji whines loudly that it's unfair; Inui is a data-and-statistics collector with extraordinary memory and he's cheating! Dammit, Oishi, that's -- he's cheating! Kaidou, beside his partner, looks disgruntled and a little sheepish and Oishi tries to calm Eiji down a little, but Inui is unperturbed. He rather likes winning.

Taka-san and Momo are over with the food, Taka-san setting it out and Momo drooling over every article that comes out of the containers. Those girls who follow Echizen around -- Ryuuzaki-sensei's granddaughter and her friend (Tomako? Tokoma? Tomoka?) -- are helping out, too, putting out plates and utensils and setting the drinks out of the sun. Every once in a while, they stop to swat away the bugs who want the watermelon and juice. More often, however, they stop to swat away Momo, who wants the watermelon and juice and sushi and sandwiches and...

Closer to Fuji are Tezuka and Echizen, both quiet, though for different reasons. Tezuka leans against the tree, his legs stretched out before him, knees bent a little to prop up the book in his lap. He reads silently, callused fingers always at the edges of the worn pages. As he turns each leaf, the fingertips rustle across the page, followed closely by the braided-leather bracelet that hangs loosely around his wrist -- it is the only sound that he makes. When Fuji sits, he looks up briefly and nods slightly in acknowledgment, silent.

Echizen takes no such notice -- but then, Echizen is asleep, sprawled over his portion of the vast blanket as though no one else is around. His hat is pulled over his face and his arms are under his head, the standard napping position for him. There are pools of golden-yellow sunlight splashed across his green T-shirt and arms, a leaf on his stomach, a tiny spider crawling up his calf. Fuji reaches out unthinkingly to brush it away lightly. Tezuka looks up at the action but Echizen doesn't wake.

"Oh, Fuji," Taka-san calls from the food blanket. "I didn't see you come back."

Syuusuke smiles a little. "Nn. I slipped back."

"Ah. Was it an important phone call? Can you stay?" Kawamura asks, suddenly worried. It would be terrible if Fuji had to leave, particularly since he'd made sure to bring along some of Fuji's favorite foods.

"I can stay," Syuusuke reassures him. "Nee-san just told me to pick up a few things on my way back home."

"Oh, that's okay, then," Taka-san says in relief, and continues to set up the food.


It isn't long before everyone is seated in a circle around the food, laughing and talking and sharing. Fuji pesters Tezuka, asking questions until he talks about the book he is reading. It is a little like pulling teeth, but Syuusuke doesn't mind because there is a little grin tugging at the edges of the now-awake Echizen's mouth, and amusement in his eyes at their captain's obvious exasperated annoyance.

After a while, when they have finished the main meal, Taka-san takes out the seedless watermelon with its white edible seeds and they all dive into the bowl for a piece, all of them except for Tezuka and Fuji. Tezuka, of course, isn't nearly undignified enough to dive into the bowl, but he makes sure to take one of the best pieces for himself before they're all gone. And Fuji -- well, Fuji doesn't really like watermelon very much, although he doesn't turn down the offer when Taka-san pushes the bowl in his direction, a friendly smile on his face.

Fuji nibbles on the watermelon a little bit, but is more interested in watching Echizen and the way his white teeth sink into the bright, deep red of watermelon flesh. The way there is satisfying crunch and the way his throat moves as he swallows. The way he presses his pink lips against the melon to catch the juice before it spills over his fingers.

An altogether very sensuous way to eat such a fruit, Fuji muses, and takes another bite. He doesn't really like watermelon -- too much faintly sweet water and not enough hard, biting flavor -- but, well.

After this, he might get to enjoy it.


The sun is no longer completely overhead when Momo takes out a soccer ball from out of nowhere and challenges Kaidou to a game. A setting-up of teams soon follows, with a jumbling up of freshmen and juniors and seniors on both sides. The girls are coerced into playing referee and scorekeeper.

Taka-san declines and begins to tidy up the area; Tezuka returns to his book; Echizen snags the last bit of watermelon.

And Fuji watches Echizen.

But it isn't until there is only a little bit of melon left in Echizen's hand that Syuusuke moves, leans forward so completely that he is almost covering Echizen; and then Fuji's lips close over the remaining fruit. His teeth, in a slight miscalculation, pinch at the younger boy's fingertips, and Fuji softens it with a kiss.

The surprise on Echizen's face is entirely expected, and makes a very pretty picture reflected back at him in Syuusuke's open, bright blue eyes. Fuji laughs a little against the watermelon in his mouth, and it is a husky sound, musical as he shifts and sits back.

Tezuka looks horrified.



"You molested our freshman," Tezuka accuses later on, when he and Fuji are walking to the store to pick up items for Yumiko. Fuji frowns a little, an innocent downturning of lips that is such bullshit.
"'Our freshman'?" he repeats innocuously. "I wasn't aware we were sharing him."
[ mostly unedited, which pretty much means that I wrote this all day and didn't have time to revise it... regarding the omake: please kill me. ]

[ I am, by the way, a super-comment-whore. ::cough:: ]

30_kisses, fujiryo, fanfiction

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