I decided to treat myself to another year of paid Dreamwidth. I appreciate the service they provide enough to toss them another $35 this year, and I also like the perks that come with it.
Since I seem to be getting back into a semi-regular routine of posting here, I decided to buck up and buy a paid account. I've been happy with the service Dreamwidth is providing, so I don't mind tossing a few $ to support them. You can probably expect to see a few new user icons from me going forward
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Semagic began giving me errors this evening when I tried to post my last entry. I use Semagic because I like the interface, and because it lets me simultaneously post to LJ and Dreamwidth so that I can keep both accounts going
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Unless I have buggered up the settings again, this post should automatically cross-post to both LJ and Dreamwidth. I will keep posting to both for as long as my LJ account remains active (I don't tend to delve into the kind of politics that would get my account banned by their new TOS), but DW is my new backup plan, and probably my long-term future
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I have noticed a few people here have mentioned that they are moving over to Dreamwidth, or at least mirroring their entries over there. I gave it some thought and decided that's not a bad idea. I created an account over there years ago, and Semagic makes it very easy to mirror my posts on both sites
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