(no subject)

Dec 09, 2010 22:45

I watched Amelie tonight. It's a good movie. It made me go, "Awww!" more than once. I even got a little weepy at the end. It made me all :). And then I was like :|. Because while it was a movie about dreamers being free to be successful dreamers and happy at the same time, it was a movie. Stuff like that doesn't happen in real life.

When I was a teenager, sometimes I would listen carefully for any pebbles to bounce against my window. I wanted so desperately for someone to like me enough that they couldn't wait until they'd see me again, so they'd settle to sneak over and talk to me through the window. This was never feasible, though. I never lived close enough to anybody that they could just sneak over. I thought I heard pebbles a couple of times. And couple of times I checked, but there was no one there. Stuff like that just doesn't happen in real life.

Except this one time.

Somehow this tall, handsome stranger ended up in my living room and tried to install Portal on my laptop because he thought I'd like it. He was quirky enough to wear a hat - a fedora - to something as nonchalant as Barnes and Noble. And shoot, he was trying to feed me video games.

Anyway, it got late. He left. I closed the door behind him and leaned against the door and sighed. I had contemplated sneaking a kiss that night. It didn't happen. Then, as I began putting things away, there was a knock at the door. It was the tall, handsome stranger again, stating that he had forgotten something. Then he leaned down and kissed me. On the lips. Then he scurried away.

That was my first kiss with the man who would be my husband.

Maybe stuff like that does happen in real life. Every once in awhile.

Remembering that made me all :) again.


jeremy, first kiss

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