
Feb 02, 2009 20:17

Ugh, I want to punch the vending machine at work in the face. GIMME A FRICKIN COKE. >:(


I know I'm anti faux foods and all... But Easy Mac pretty much rocks my socks.


Liam makes jewelry out of stone!! Like, he had this stone and he drilled it and sanded it until it was smooth and ring shaped. WTF. That's kinda cool. :P


I kinda refuse to do the "25 random things about yourself" note thing that's been going around on facebook. I'm not sure why. Probably because everyone else is doing it.


Update on the car drama:
So, after the Cottman guy telling me that I would need an alternator soon, it seems to have come to pass. After going on and off a few times, the battery light has been on for a while, and furthermore, my engine is starting to struggle when I try to crank it. This morning, I went to Advance Auto Parts. The chick there ran a battery test thingie on it but couldn't get decent readings from it because the battery was so low on charge to start off with. She recommended getting a new battery and going from there. So we did and she ran the test thing again and it's definitely the alternator.

Greene suggested before that we could replace the alternator ourselves, and I liked that idea. But apparently replacing an alternator on an Infiniti is "a bitch of a job" according to some googlings and can take a full day if you've never done it before. So I think I'm gonna let the professionals deal with it.

The Cottman guy quoted me something like $400 to replace the alternator. However, I could get one at Advance for about $100 and then have Precision Tune install it for like $170.

Guess what Angie's plans are. :P

Again, it sucks to spend money on this car. But if a few hundred bucks will keep it running for a few more months, I'm okay with that.


Frick. I currently have nothing to do at work. I'm trying to get HC on the VX8360, but the sig thing has decided to crap out. I COULD be working on fixing HC bugs for the CDM8950 and GZ1-C711, but those don't have numbers on them. Liam's gone and I can't find Paul and I don't think anyone else knows how to switch numbers.

I could work on something besides HC, but I'm not sure what's next on the list of priorities. And Liam's the one who could answer that.

Fail. Last I talked to him about it, he said that AT&T was next on the list of priorities. But he didn't specify which apps. *sigh*

Maybe I'll make some hot chocolate. Maybe Paul's at his desk. Maybe I should make an appointment with Precision Tune. Yeah, that. Maybe I can do it early in the morning, eat breakfast at the neighboring Hardee's, catch up on some reading, and have my car fixed before I miss much time at work.

Car nonsense is stressful.


Okay, called Precision Tune. Got an appointment for 8AM tomorrow. Paul's still not at his desk.


-peers out the window-

Maybe he's out smoking. But if he is, I can't see him.

LOL @ this play-by-play entry.

Ack! As I was writing that, Paul walked in! I asked him about Verizon phones number switching and he said I should talk to Doc. I go to find Doc and HE'S not at his desk.


Durr dur durrrrrr. I go looking for Liam. Not finding Liam, I ask Kent. Kent says ask Paul. I go looking for Paul. Not finding Paul, I ask Doc if he's still here. Doc says he is. I find Paul and he says to ask Doc.

Doc came back, I gave him the phones. Maybe I can actually do work soon instead of boring people with this nonsense.


I need to quit licking my lips. Chapstick is my friend.


Lety's not feeling well. Pobrecita Letycia. :(


Groundhogs are really poor instruments of measurement. They're only right like 27% of the time.


It cracks me up to hear random people on the phone saying, "Hi, this is Aron Josefberg (or Peter Kryzwicki) with Oasys Mobile."

If this junk is necessary, (1) it's a stupid, gimp business practice, (2) it's sexual discrimination. :P You think I'd be able to get away with being a Peter Kryzwicki? I don't think so. So I can't change numbers on our phones and I am dependent upon someone with a male voice to do so.

/quasi-serious rant

They need to just set up a website to do this junk.


Yay! Doc gave me the phones back.

-does stuff-


OMB. Why have I been sneezing so much today?


... I may have broken the GZ1-C711.

I mean, I think HC broke the GZ1-C711. :P Blah.


work, randomness, liam, car drama

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