Who: Ten and Handy
Where: The Lobby/Handy's room
When: The afternoon after Handy's rampage.
What: Ten recognizes that the damage left in Handy's wake was caused by a broken sonic screwdriver and goes to see what's up.
The Doctor stood up from the comfy chair in his room and stretched, placing his now-finished book on the pile with the others. He hadn't left his room since yesterday afternoon, when he brought a large amount of biscuits and tea bags to his room, and settled in to read the stack he had hauled from the library. Dusting the crumbs off the clothes the hotel had given him this time (they weren't bad, jeans, a brown tee and a green zip-up jacket, but he really just wished they would just give him his suit back,) and walked into the hall, ready for some contact.
Once he walked into the lobby he just stood, stunned. The place was trashed, like it'd been attacked in the night. We walked up to a light that had been busted and examined it, immediately recognizing the damage. Frowning, he turned sharply and ran up the stairs, to Handy's room.
He knocked on the door, listening with his ear to the door as he called out, "Doctor, are you there?"