... or not.
So, we went up to the hospital for the version this morning, and they got me all prepped, and then the doctor checked me. And guess what? We didn't end up doing the version after all. I'm somewhere between 4-5 CM, completely effaced, and the baby is at like 0 or +1 station - seriously, he's like about to fall out of me!
She said that chances were really slim that she'd be able to turn him successfully, and that it would almost certainly start labor. So, no version. She did give me a steroid shot - apparently it's not nearly so useful after 34 weeks, but there's not really any negative side effects, so we figured, might as well. I go into the office tomorrow for another shot and she's going to check me again. Then we'll schedule a c-section, knowing full well I'll probably go into labor on my own by then, because, I mean, COME ON.
I'm getting together with a friend this afternoon to see if we can try some home remedy baby spinning, but I'm not sure we'll be super successful if he's already hanging out so low. Worth a shot, though, I guess.
The next time I go to that hospital, though, I sure as hell better be admitted. I'm so tired of this back and forth, "will he or won't he?" nonsense. :(