This one is from like a week ago..... these other ones are from last night.
[yes... I have ridden the same carasel four times in the past three weeks and yes it has been a blast everytime]
Brad and Rick. They acctually are real cowboys... believe it or not.
That's Alexis. She's a cow chick too.
I wanted a mustache.
Now that I think about it a week of being grounded isn't all that bad. It just sucks cause I won't be at the pool hall for a week and we'll have to put off the big night for yet another week and that sucks. My mom really does let me slide with too much shit though so I don't blame her for finally getting fed up with me. Oh well. I work just about everyday next week but saturday night so I won't be too bored. Maybe I might even have time to start on that book I was going to write. Haha!