(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 23:28

New school year, new schoo. I barely have time to sit and look now at things, except in the cafeteria where I can't stop, these people must turn up in my dreams as strangers there are thousands of them, it makes me feel more familiar and comfortable when I recognise a stranger in the corridor from another corridor or room or queue, otherwise I feel rather like an ant.
my second day. camera lucida, vanilla latte, history of art with bauhaus and basquit. burma burma is burrrrning and nobody wants to talk about it. nothing new, lots of new.
conversation when I wake up with james, sweet dreams before bed, it's not enough really but.. but what. sometimes I feel like its none of my buisness, strange I know to feel like I can't comment on one of (if not the) biggest things in my life. I haven't cried for a long long time. joanna newsom was absolutely fantastic but the tears then were happy ones for monkey and bear and the hand in my hand :)

here are quotes from my quote book i've heard around.

" 'man this', 'man that', like you're man "
(girl to sister at bus stop)

"No I don't, I sound like an angel rubbing a dog"
james after I say he sounds like a monster when he eats.

"I really like _______
Nobody seems to like ______
But I really like _______"
lotte, I don't remember the blanks but I like the way she said it.

"got a nice bit of scampi and chips and vegetables for dinner tonight"
"do you put it in the microwave?"
"no (shocked at self), cook it in the oven, do it proper and that I"
very camp man to woman on bus.

i'm needing meat (i'm vegan) and I can smell it everywhere, my period is a week early and strange, i've drunk two litres of water today. I feel halved. or one and a half. please no.
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