Woe and mow

May 28, 2013 22:22

So last week I suddenly realized, hey, I can't remember the last time I had a cold. Rock on, immune system! Immune system apparently high fived itself and then took that as permission to go on vacation, because now I've got the lurgy, alas. And we're still in full blown crazy season as daycamps overlap with the "balanced calendar" school year, so field trips on top of wildlife calls on top of visitors on top of...unusual levels of disheartening and demoralizing things from the upper administration. I'm maintaining some level of cope by thinking of them like tornadoes - don't try to reason with them, just hunker down as best you can, then pick up the pieces and rebuild.

In happier news, kitten is doing great! I'll put some more pics up when I get a chance (my phone storage may be getting full, but he's just SO CUTE! *flail*) Not ~quite~ big enough to start getting himself into trouble, but it's probably only a matter of days, lol. Using the litter box like a pro, making friends with Gandalf (other two still run away), snoozing adorably behind me on the couch.

Also, finally went and got an electric lawn mower - my gas mower still runs great, but I was getting tired of breathing in all the exhaust, and y'know, global warming and all. Of course, my electricity isn't all that green either, but it's a small step forward, I hope. I've been eyeballing an electric for awhile, but the reviews were all pretty mixed on the battery ones, especially as to cutting power, and I was afraid they'd not be able to handle my dense jungle of a lawn. I decided instead on the 13 amp Greenworks corded model that had good reviews - spent almost as much on the heavy duty extension cords as on the lawnmower (I need 150 feet to reach everywhere. Hopefully. Haven't tried the back yard yet), but ZOMG, it was worth it! Tried it out on Monday on the front yard, and it's just so nice to breath nothing but fresh air the whole time. The cord is a bit of a hassle, but I'm having more fun with it than not, kind of like a puzzle/strategy game to make it all work - learned if I flip the cord over the opposite shoulder before I turn to mow the next row it all goes quite smoothly. And fun to start! With the gas mower I have to kind of shove it forward while yanking the pull cord two or three times, because my arms are too short to pull far enough on their own. With this one: push button, pull down handle, let go of button, and it starts up kind of like a very powerful box fan! I think I love it.

This entry was originally posted at http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/99002.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

work, stray kitty, lawn mower, rl

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