Not a big blue fire truck, alas, it's a little doohicky from Verizon which apparently I can take with me to Rwanda and still check my LJ. My modem gave out yesterday (again) and they were having a promotion so thought I'd give this a try - so far so good, seems quite zippy.
Got the verdict on Monday, my little frogmobile is indeed totaled :( So it's car shopping for me, urg. I think the car shopping is more traumatic than the crash. Car salesmen, they remind me of really clingy, needy, boyfriends. @_@ Rental car and I are getting along fine - it has been initiated into the mud and potholes on the park roads, there's already loose change and small rocks and straw from my shoes all over the floor mats, and it has very kindly informed me several times that there was "ice possible" on the road. It was 40F and the roads were dry, but better safe than sorry I guess :P
;_; RIP, little RAV, you were a good car *pats*
I've got a couple of other RAV's as possible candidates, taking them to my most awesome mechanic tomorrow and Friday for checkings over. I've looked a few other models and I'm just a very boring person I guess; I find something I like and I stick with it forever ^^ I seem to be quite the odd duck at the car places, looking for a high mileage, older RAV4 with not-too-fancy an interior because I cart around wildlife and mulch and bags of dirt and big, muddy, shedding doggies. Not!silver and not!white, please. Green would be awesome. Thank goodness for internet car shopping, because the salesmen are so bamboozled by these specifications that they forget them immediately :P
Other lady's insurance company has been pretty good to work with so far - but got a call today from someone claiming to be doing a "medical follow up" and wondering if I had any pain, etc. from the crash. After the initial muscle soreness I haven't had any pain at all, but despite never hitting my head on anything I've developed some mild concussion symptoms - ears ringing, just not running on all four cylinders, mental and/or physical exertion and I get that "hey, I'm on cold medicine, wheee" feeling (directly proportional, I've noticed, to the salesman exasperation quotient). (For all you worrywarts, yes, I've made an appointment with my doctor, but he couldn't see me until next Tues, and if anything more alarming develops it's straight to the emergency room <3 and no, not signing anything until the brainz are back to normal) So anyway, insurance guy says he wants to make an appointment with their doctor as well, but whoops, his computer has crashed can he call me back? Never calls back. But tonight I get a knock on my door from someone offering me chiropractic services - says they get referred all cases with "not at fault" drivers. My fish-o-meter, it bleepeth. If this is SOP for insurance agency, they're going to get an earful because sending random people knocking on my door is Really Not Ok.
Called insurance agency, and yep, it's a scam. So tomorrow I get to make police reports. Yay? Really, of this whole thing, the being-crashed-into was the easiest part.