Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2016 19:59

Happy Valentines my dears! *snugs* *chocolate*

I'm sitting here with a Gandalf on my lap, after readjusting him a bit (he likes to get as close to my face as possible, until he's breathing my breath, until he's kneading my neck. I...need a leetle more space, lol) and watching Buckaroo Banzai, which happened to be on. Lovely snowy day - about 2 or 3 inches, had to work but being a Sunday no rush hour traffic, so driving wasn't too bad either.

Critter updates:
Legolas-fish and Gimli-frog continue to florish. Gimli is out and about more now, and has a few favorite perching spots in the tank, and has figured out food comes from above - very cute to watch him frogging around just under the surface, stuffing his face with pellets.
Redfish still holding steady in his little senior tank, added two more frogs to Bluestreak's tank since Gimli was doing so well. She seems to like to watch them.
Skeleton Kitty has moved in with my mom, and she's doing so much better than I ever expected! Not buddies or anything with her two cats, but just some occasional hissing and glares, and she doesn't mind the big barking dog whatsoever! Mom spoils her completely, and she's able to have the run of a whole big house. She's even gained a bit of weight. Mom calls her Winifred, or Winnie for short ^^

At around 15 months, Niecelet has hit the clingy opinionated stage - she used to be pretty much happy with whoever was holding or watching her, but she's had a few meltdowns lately meeting new people, and just wants dad and breaks into heartbroken tears whenever he puts her down or tries to do anything else. Even her Auntie Worms can only keep her distracted for so long, lol, although she loves to do the dishes - I stick her on a chair next to me and she putters around with the water and suds and pouring things (and sometimes trying to drink the suds or pour it down her front...), managed to give her dad a bit of a break anyway. Her sleeping and napping is minimal (it's amazing, she'll kind of zone out for ten minutes, pacifier and blankie, and then, RECHARGED!!! aaand off she goes, for another four hours straight), so her parents are kind of running on fumes - my mom's been taking her overnight once a week to give them a break. Such an adorable little smarty pants, she is - she's figured out how to stack things to climb to things she can't reach, keeps ya on your toes! <3

Working on getting over third cold of the year - it really knocked me flat for awhile, and still feeling very draggy and stuffy. I am quite done with this cold business, please and thank you, feels like I've been sick since Thanksgiving.

In other news, I've discovered podcasts! I can upload them to my phone and listen while driving back and forth to work (generally 30 min one way if no traffic, but 45+ with rush hour and traffic jams) - lots of fun science and neurobiology and study of the human condition type stuff. Today listened to an "On Being" with Ellen Langer, a social psychologist, about the great extent experience is formed by words and ideas we attach to it. I liked the idea of rephrasing "Can I do it" with "How can I do it" and trying to notice five new things about someone every time you see them, fun study about putting some 80 year old fellows into an environment set up to be like 20 years earlier, and they all started acting, feeling, and looking 20 years younger. Also, this great, highly effective drug called "placebo" that we've been ignoring for many years. Some other nifty thoughts too, that I've forgotten, shall have to listen to it again tomorrow!

This entry was originally posted at http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/160288.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

happy valentine's, i'm gonna be an aunt!, rl

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