I hope I'm doing this right...

Mar 26, 2011 22:55

Hey Discedo! Sorry if this isn't the right place for it or if this is kind of out of place, but I thought I'd maybe get some confirmation or throw out a tiny little plot idea, if that's okay? Sorry if I'm not doing this right...

SO. Dave here is getting mad bored of sitting in his apartment without his trusty AKAI MPC-1000 and turntables. He's literally just been playing his Tetris app on his communicator for hours, and he's getting antsy-- not to mention that he still feels kind of bummed out that he's been suddenly been lifted from something important and plopped here seemingly aimlessly. If little else, he wants to find some sort of turntabling device and crank out some hauntingly sick beats while he ponders where and when his life took a turn for the worse.

But! To do that he'll need to go to the shopping district to swipe his goods. He could probably find a subpar set of turntables at the superstore, but he'd also need to get some hardware to operate it-- cords and batteries and the like (okay they'd probably have that at the superstore too but let's run with this anyway). He could go to the hardware store as well, but it's near the outskirts and man is that place dangerous. The things an ironic coolkid will do to stave off boredom while pretending to be bored doing it, I swear. It's all irony, bro.

So, I was thinking of possibly doing some sort of MAD-DASH TO GET SOME COOL SHIT AND BRING IT BACK TO THE APARTMENT YEAHHHH expedition? Even if Dave doesn't manage to get his turntables, it could be cool for building up some CR and to have your character get into some action-y events! And of course this doesn't have to happen now, or even ever, if the mods are already thinking of some trouble to get our characters into. Just tossing this out here for a possibility and an invitation if people want some CR with Dave! \o/

Alright, Freshy out!
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