Church Mass

Mar 20, 2011 12:23

Hey! Okay, so I'm pretty new here so forgive me if there's a character already doing this or if I'm saying something wrong (I looked around before posting this at least ;;) but Dlanor here really wants to start holding Sunday Mass.

Dlanor will hold mass at 10 am every Sunday and then she'll be around the Church for confessionals all week around (basically she'll give advice to any character that wants it regardless of if they're religious or not.)

She's a devout Christian but she'll do her best to keep things as non denominational as possible but I doubt she'll know much about eastern religion. So her masses will largely consist of western ideas about religion. Dlanor is also, canonly, very open minded so she won't restrict who visits her or attends mass at the Church.

Dlanor would also be open to helpers or even someone to hold mass for characters who practice eastern based religion (for lack of a better term). Problem is I'm not sure what to ask for since Dlanor herself is capable of doing pretty much... anything. So if anyone has any ideas COME AT ME BRO let's make this happen.


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