Bands of Discedo
Yaaaay, I get to post here. I feel so special. ♥
Ahaha so this band list got really outdated between February and June. As in, everyone left. Basically. So, I've finally updated the list. As of June 7th, 2010, this list is up to date. If you would like to add your character to this list, please comment here or to the
most recent post about it.
Band #1 (Manager: ???)
pilot_princess (vocals)
virtualmenace (violin)
Band #2 (Manager: ???)
najawantsgold (vocals/dance)
baka_jyanai (guitar)
followvoices (vocals/dance)
herrprosecutor (guitar)
[BAD LUCK] (Manager:
supertornado )
ourlyricsoflove (vocals)
badnotes (keyboards)
blameshimself )
sing_bluesilver (vocals/guitar)
camelliagrl_08 (synth/vocals)
blameshimself (keyboards)
Also, if you guys ever pick band names, let me know so I can add them to the list.
If you guys have questions, feel free to comment here, pester me in the Disco!Chat (Chatroom: Discedo) or ping me solo on AIM (AIM: Raserei Hojo). I don't bite. Really~♫