Mar 31, 2005 20:13
> Today was SoOoO much fun! I hung out with Kristen, Tim, Andy, some dude, Stefan, and some other ppl! It was so much fun! We hungout over Stefans and Andys place! Well Kristen and I put on almost all of Stefans clothes and were practically trippen down the stairs! Then we went outside had alil fire and well enjoyed the warmth and smoke lol! then we ate a bunch of food!! And of course kristen spilled here water all over the place lol! Jk girl! Then we listened to music and danced and a bunch of other things I jut dont remeber lol! SoOo ya... then Kris is coming over my house tommarow around 9 am in the morning then were going to hang out with the guys so it should be a blast! SHERRI>thanks babe for writtin about me in you LJ so i thought i would write about you in mine lol! Thanks for being such a great BEST friend! You've always been here for me so thanks a billion! Your the greatest and I’m so GALD that were best friends! ......Well I think I’m going to go now... my power just went out!! DAMN I’m sitten here in the complete dark! I’m so scared right now! I hope my dad comes home earlier then he said he would! And if I die then everyone knows what happened! Someone cut my power off and killed me lol jk later gators!!
<3 Erika
p.s then im going ovr stefans house so it should be fun……