Oct 22, 2005 21:51
So, I'm watching "Chicago" on NBC tonight, a movie I've seen about a dozen times already, but it's good background noise. I roll my eyes a little bit about some of the dubbed line changes (bastard becomes creep, shit becomes spit), because I really think that kind of censorship is a bit arcane, but whatever.
But I'm shocked by the fact that they substituted Joan of Arc for Jesus Christ. (I don't mean to toot my own horn, but if Jesus Christ was alive today and he had $5000, things would have turned out differently.) For one thing, the line by Billy is one of the best in the movie, and perfectly illustrates the character in a way that dozens of scenes cannot - and it loses something when you use Joan of Arc instead, because the point is that Billy does see himself as god-like, in a lot of ways, in terms of his ability to manipulate the court system, etc.
But is this now the norm? I know it's one thing to censor so-called "swear" words, but I think this is just all kinds of sad.
Oh, and I just saw a commercial for 'Rent', and it looks amazing.