When in Rome...

Sep 11, 2005 23:07

Non-spoilery thoughts on tonight's episode: Where is the naked Marc Anthony? I demand more naked Marc Anthony.

Spoiler thoughts on tonight's episode: I'm really liking the show now, but mostly because I like the political intrigue and I adore Atia of the Julii. She is one Domina with whom one shouldn't mess.

Titus Pollo finding the cart of gold seems a bit contrived, but I thought his bonding with Lucius over women was hysterical.

Brutus was a total snot - is the character being fairly portrayed from a historical perspective? Oh, and Cato was a total whiny old man, too. I actually like Pompey (in that I appreciate the character and the way they are showing him to be a strategic thinker), but he doesn't yet know how screwed he his.

Atia planning for everyone's suicide was also very very funny.

Oh, and please? Where is the naked Marc Anthony? Because it's important enough to include in the spoiled comments as well.
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