(no subject)

Aug 12, 2004 14:25

I am in desperate need of complaining… Venting to lower ones Blood Pressure is a good thin me thinks.

Today I was running late for Uni so I decided to drive my not so trusty car.

I made it exactly half way to uni before steam started coming out of my bonnet.

I pulled up at a service station then called RAA.
They took an hour to get there… I began to overheat.
My water pump in my car died meaning I had to get my car to a mechanic. $180.00 later I am poor, without a car because it is getting fixed, stressed out because I arrived at uni 3 hours late and missed an important class… oh and I am sick (no idea what, just sick!).

Murphy’s law “everything that can go wrong will go wrong”.

Too true!
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