Apr 03, 2010 07:01
- 08:07 7-day work week is finally done and I get a weekend on the weekend at long last!
- 08:10 So I was JUST going to use this userpic for yesterday but I'm really feeling it fits me. Think I'll stick with it a while.
- 08:12 #followfriday @cracked edition: @DOB_INC @SWAIM_CORP @Brockway_LLC @WGladstone #ff
- 08:14 I don't normally do Follow Friday because usually Friday is my Monday. And fuck Mondays. Fuck them all to hell.
- 08:47 Since it's finally my weekend and all, I'm going to torture myself with FF13 achievements instead if doing anything fun. :/ Also, beer.
- 09:46 @ DOB_INC Your article today made me go like this D: D: :D D: D: D: :O :D :D! Literally "AUGH! AUGH! OMGLOLWUT? LOL" Kudos to you.
- 09:50 Yeah. Nevermind. The beer is demanding a new userpic. Yes, i actually own it.
- 10:13 OK. I'll say it clearly. SquareEnix, you NEED to make the FF7 nexgen remake you've been teasing us with all these years to save yourself.
- 10:14 @ squirrelsunite I'll bring you dry GIRL SOCKS! or I would if I weren't drunk at 10 in the morning. :)
- 10:57 @ danlesac Luxembourg is somewhere in the Irish-Pacific, right?
- 11:07 Okay. Masturbated- err... Inflated my balance ball again at long last. My arm is tired. Errrr...
- 11:42 @ derricko it was completely the truth!! ;D
- 11:49 @ rainnwilson "I'm getting a bit tonight Tonight! I'm getting a bit tonight. My mother says I must be quick if I'm to have the spotted dick!"
- 11:50 @ rainnwilson I mean, who else knows that ren-faire song? YEAH! Yeah? Guys? Fuck...
- 11:53 I should pretend way harder to be a dude on teh intarwebz when I am teh drunkz. It amuses me to all ends.
- 11:57 I could rescue a dog (a dog I've been thinking about for more than a day) instead of going to the show. #bulletpoint
- 11:57 @ Scroobiuspipyo #lolwut?
- 12:05 @ Gothcake ilu
- 12:06 These are my options right now: the arctic monkeys show, a dog from the pound, or NOTHING. #torn
- 12:22 @ Darc_Miz geez I've only been been on live for like FIVE HOURS. What have you been? Asleep or something? WEAK!
- 12:24 Yeah so on all these notes. Thank You and Goodnight. And maybe even some ilu even tho it's not canon Imajica. Haha.
- 12:26 I subscribe to too many fandoms for you... Yes. YOU! to "get" them all. It's OK.
- 12:26 RT @Scroobiuspipyo Follow Friday is a bigger trending topic than Good Friday. Thus, Twitter is bigger than Jesus.
- 12:27 @ Darc_Miz I'm sure you'll be glad I shaved then.
- 12:39 .@ Darc_Miz /sigh... Boys... *giggle* ;D
- 12:41 It's best I don't actually listen to any outside input. It'll only make me turn contrary.
- 12:42 @ Gothcake oh you bitch. Cream cheese on cucumbers is now the tastiest thing I've heard of in a long time. You are EVIL!
- 12:50 @ Gothcake You are stronger than I am with those 50 calories. *genuflect*
- 23:16 @ MariahTunnell Whoa! When and where??
- 23:44 I slept like the dead today. It was fantastic after getting ~5 hours all this week.
- 02:56 I just made one of my xbox friend's night completely awesome. And if I get suspended, I'll know why and by who. LOL
- 05:11 @ danlesac I love when you threaten an entire town. ^-')b
- 05:40 I'm still waffling. Should I go to the show? Get a dog? (or two, depending) Or fuckit and have $?
- 05:42 With those thoughts, I should probably NOT get a dog. Not that that's EVER stopped me from anything. lawl:(
- 05:44 Maybe it sounds like I want @ advice, but it's best I don't have any. All these are decisions best made alone.
- 05:57 #FML Fuck My Life, I kinda do want to play FF14 because I miss the good old days of FF11. This is probably because I am lonely & crave abuse
- 05:58 I crave verbal/textual abuse from people who really don't matter in MY wider scheme.
- 06:00 Well... I'll probably cave and go the FF14 route if @Darc_Miz and Adam AKA Zevariel do. #FML!!!!
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