Apr 02, 2010 07:02
- 07:52 Oh... It's April fools day. Bah. Humbug.
- 07:55 BAH!
- 08:38 Definitely not interested in FF14. It's just FF11 with better graphics. video.destructoid.com/#138743 #MMOh8
- 08:56 I MEAN, I'm not interested in FF14 because FF14=FF11 and it's still an MMO which means dealing with actual people.. People pretty well suck.
- 16:02 RT @alyankovic As a wise man once said, “April Fools Day is for amateurs. You NEVER need an excuse to mess with people's heads.”
- 16:05 @ mulatta it's cool. I was mostly bored last night. Gotta discipline myself to scroll. :D
- 16:32 Even my electronics are conspiring against me to play un-funny April fools pranks. #diafkthx
- 17:00 Ugh. The Arctic Monkeys are playing here in two weeks. Damn my agoraphobia! *shakes fist*
- 17:51 @ Gothcake iawtc
- 19:18 Yeah! Good news on this day lousy with lameness! The "sniper" on my L4D team bought L4D1 again! If only the dlc's hadn't been pushed back...
- 19:19 ICU being lame Valve. I!C!U!! but better dlc pushed back than shitty and unfinished like FF13. #thankyoustandards
- 20:45 I love the taste of crushed dreams. RT @Darc_Miz www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb9eL3ejXmE - HNNNNGGGGG- my heart just melted.
- 20:53 One does not simply Google into Mordor! (wait you can nvm) bit.ly/czw8OF
- 21:03 @ Darc_Miz you'll never make it past my Isengard!
- 22:09 Is this horrible travesty of a holiday over yet? I have to leave for work soon and I'm not up for any bullshit disguised as "humor".
- 00:08 @ Darc_Miz man you know that song really well.
- 00:57 @ god You're a naughty deity, you are.
- 01:04 Ugh... Awkward ex sighting. I thought I moved to Tulsa to get away from that. >_<
- 01:09 The sex was good but he used a dick move to dump me. Pretty sure I wrote a JTHM fanfic murdering him once...
- 01:14 Two or three maybe. It's hard to remember how many times I've killed someone in my mind when I can't remember their last name. ;D
- 01:15 What can I say? I was an angrier person back then. ;D
- 01:16 @ Darc_Miz Me, of course. He only had a sizeable member. :D
- 01:19 On a lighter note, I'm thinking about going to the Arctic Monkies show despite my crippling paranoia and agoraphobia....
- 01:21 ...but only if I can get my hands in a Dan Le Sac VS Scroobius Pip shirt to wear. Because of the irony! bit.ly/cNx2a4
- 01:22 No one actually AT the show but me would get it I think, but that's totally not the point.
- 01:22 @ Darc_Miz I love that you're so incorrigible.
- 01:26 Well, the Monkies themselves might get it but they're probably tired of that joke by now. Haha.
- 01:27 @ Darc_Miz that and your abs. Which are distracting me again. *stare*
- 02:07 @ Darc_Miz ^-')b
- 02:09 Dammit. I just used a jp smiley face. It's like FF14 is trying to insinuate itself into my subconscious and brainwash me into buying it.
- 02:11 RT @essrose RT @thejillthompson: made me laff! www.holytaco.com/25-terrifying-easter-bunnies
- 02:53 Nobody ever asks me what I'm listening to when I think it deserves it from a cred point (Ministry), just when it's on The Offspring. lolwut?
- 03:49 Trying to talk myself into going to that show. May have to go blog my stream of consciousness for the bullet points. *gasp!*
- 04:55 I actually got my pathetic $15 federal refund? OK state regents decided it was too fucking small to comandeer this year?#lolwut?
- 04:57 Inching closer to deciding to actually go to the show... No matter what Roger is telling me as I listen to The Wall tonight...
- 05:30 @ styggian not often enough as I'd like.
- 05:48 Tarutaru are not chibi enough in FF14. #gotohellsqueenix
- 05:55 It'll be the first time I've gone to a show in the nearly 2 years I've been here which was one if the reasons I picked here. #bulletpoint
- 05:58 It'll be the first British band I've seen live. Rod Stewart doesn't count because it was the 80's and I was a child. #bulletpoint
- 05:59 Carrie's mom's voice in the back of my head, "They're all going to laugh at you!" #bulletpoint
- 06:00 Don't mind me. I'm just talking to myself here (like always) so I don't forget these things.
- 06:05 I got an extra $40 I wasn't planning on that could easily cover the ticket and the lesacVSpip tee to wear ironically. #bulletpoint
- 06:09 Yes, the idea that I just might be a hipster does in fact make me throw up in my mouth a little.
- 06:25 Anxiety. Paranoia. Negative self-image. (these are the big ones) #bulletpoint
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