It's Friday. How did that happen? I thought this week was gonna take forever and yet here we are at Friday.... Weird.
Anyway, this week was kinda bleh. Monday was rather uneventful. I spent Tuesday doing my 3D project (I hate 3D) Wednesday I.... went to 3D and then I went out to take my pictures for Photography. That was exciting. First the logo thingy broke off my lense cap, then the whole cap went caput, but wait my story gets better. Then the film refused to wind and the winder thingy came off THEN the magic door spontaneously opened so whatever I shot is probably gone (which is fine 'cause they mostly sucked anyway). It was at this point I put the camera away and decided to let my Photo teacher fix it, lest the camera catch on fire or something. Thursday nothing and today I got up at 9:28. I have class that starts at 9:30. I'm considering going to Film in my pj's from now on.
So, I found this
site that has every episode of South Park on it and I've been catching up. I'm about halfway through season 5 now. I love Butters. He's just the greatest. So cute. So innocent. So bi-curious. I want to hug him. But enough about South Park. It's not cool enough to be in my fandoms list (I did not tear up on the episode Kenny Dies. You can't prove it. The sheep are lying).
I started watching The State Within last night. I haven't learned everyone's names yet though so I'm gonna refrain from comment for it bit. But, I will do this *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
You know, I had a deep insight about something or another when I was walking back to my apartment the other day. I remember exactly where I was standing. Haven't a clue what the hell it was.
I want brownies. Will you make me some brownies? Yummy delicious brownies.