Jan 28, 2008 18:55
Release the Mood - A Culinary Delight
"Taste it, touch it. Live it, love it!"
Imagine this. You're invited a dinner party where the waiters are wearing suits and trainers, the maitre de is wearing a copa cobana fruit hat and the who's who of the culinary and art world have come together for a food fight with anorexic models to celebrate the next up and coming chef. That's right. Welcome to the best party ever.
In process and ideation today we had to plan a dinner party for 100 people using various brainstorming techniques. I got like the best group ever. Me, the cynical girl and the flaming gay man. The above was the result and damn I wanna go. I could go through all the specs we had to come up with (where our funding was coming from, what the invitations were gonna look like, who was invited, the lighting set up, the music, you name it we had it) but I've gone through it sooooo many times. The trouble was, by the time we collaborated our ideas within our group (since we started off separately and then got together) we knew all of the details of our party. But, our teacher kept wanting us to use these other ways of brainstorming as well. So, after we repeated everything we'd just said once and then had to do it again it all sort of went downhill (got *really* commercialized, to the point that we felt bad writing down the things we were writing down) so none of that stuff stuck. Ours was the best party in the class and we didn't even have any booze (Of course, that doesn't mean you can't come to the party drunk already....). I feel like I've forgotten some awesome detail, so please ask questions. Did I mention the Chairman, Alton Brown, Kevin Brauch and all the Iron Chefs are coming? It's a good thing we rotate seats, I'd be torn as to who I'd sit next to.
On a slightly related topic, apparently I'm funnier than I thought I was. 'Cause for part of our brainstorming sessions we each had to write down our favorite theme from our initial writings then we passed out papers around and added to the theme of the paper you got (within your group, not the whole class). And basically, "adding to the theme" simply means write what comes to your mind. If you haven't read any of my stream of consciousness writings they go something like this:
My back kinda hurts. It's been hurting for a while now and I'm not quite sure why. Well, I suppose it might have something to do with my insisting upon sitting like this. It's not really my fault there's no where else to sit. Maybe I should've brought more pillows or something. Or maybe I just need to get a blood clue and sit in a damn chair for once. Do you think there's a connection between my back hurting and my neck hurting? It's not like it's the back of me neck neither, it's the side, kinda like in the days after you've slept on it funny, which I haven't done in ages. Why does that happen anyway? I mean, it just seems really odd that when you're sleeping your body would let you sleep in such a way that it goes eughhhh the next day (or rather week and a half because we all know it never lasts only a day). That reminds me of the time I dreamed (dreamed? dreamt? Firefox says it's "dreamed" what a stupid verb) I was getting stabbed in the back of the leg and it hurt like hell. Damned thing still hurt when I woke up and for a week after that.
And so on and so forth like that. What was I talking about again? Oh right, me being funny. So anyway, we did this and at random intervals while they were reading what I'd written my team mates started to laugh. I wasn't even trying to be funny. I guess my thought processes are amusing, since I've been told before that my stream of consciousness writing is amusing. Their particular favorite lines were (in relation to how you present a piece of art at an opening), "...in that 'Look what I did!' sort of fashion only without the 'Let's hang it on the refrigerator' kind of response, unless you're into that kind of thing," and (discussing food at parties), "...with chips and dip and nachos at a more spontaneous party with friends (...though I suppose nachos are chips, aren't they?)" So yeah....... I'm not really sure where I was going with that other than I'm always surprised when people think I'm funny (and I just tried to spell "surprised" "syruprised," where the hell did that come from?).
Sweet Jesus, that was a long post, but I guess I had a lot to say. Uh... I think you'll just get double Torchwood on Wednesday, since I don't feel like writing anything for Sleeper at the moment (though Ianto had some of THE BEST lines, I haven't got much to say other than that). My roommate has been spending more time here and it's freaking me out. And the other one's spending less time here. But, between the two of them it doesn't balance out and so a lot of the time I'm here by myself and have to crank up the volume on my music and go into obsessive cleaning mode to keep my brain busy (it's either that or type here, guess which I'm doing tonight). Oh, I suppose I should talk about 42nd Street as well... I guess that's for Wednesday as well. I want the gay version dammit (gay this, gay that, always gay gay gay gay.... it's not my fault that's how the book was written.... stupid 1930's and your anti-gayness - is that a word, "gayness"? Firefox says so, so it is now.) Oh Christ, I have a headache. I'm stopping typing now.
I smell toast....... We haven't got a toaster.