Merlin: Happy Belated Birthday, Plat!
Platinumgal: So you did remember! I mean... it’s September now, but still!
Merlin: Of course! Look I got you a present.
Platinumgal: Oh. More Nothing Like The Legend. You shouldn’t have.
Merlin: It was really no trouble....
Platinumgal: No, you really shouldn’t have.
A/N: Wow, you guys are the best!
Platinumgal: (Suethor) Especially those of you who love me!
Thanks for those who reviewed. This chapter is for you!
Merlin: Well, at least we haven’t got one of those really long lists where she replies to each individual ‘review’
I was super bored today so I decided to work on this chapter and now I get it posted early!
Platinumgal: I really don’t like that for some reason. It just comes across as: Yay! I finished more of my crap story which took me no effort! You better praise my writing skillz!
There isn't a cliff hanger; at least I don't think there is. I guess it depends on what your opinion of a cliff hanger is.
Merlin: What is it with this girl and cliff-hangers?
Platinumgal: I read ahead. It isn’t a cliff-hanger. It made me explode a little though, so that’s nice.
Chapter 13: Little hints in simple conversations
Platinumgal: A little less conversation, a little more action, maybe?
It was like floating on a cloud. Everything was just a blur. I wasn't able to make much out, only a bright light. My hand outstretched to touch the glow. It was just so beautiful…
Merlin: *Pulls out Big Book o’ death scene clichés and slowly ticks off every entry*
Suddenly, I was pulled-or rather tugged- away from the mesmerizing scene. Now, everything was clear, even the pain. I could hear someone screaming bloody murder.
Platinumgal: I honestly have no idea why, but I absolutely hate that phrase.
Merlin: It’s probably because it doesn’t fit with how much pain she should be in. She’s woken up after receiving a (evidently rather severe considering she blacked-out) stab wound, and she can’t exactly be used to them. Also the same phrase got used in Elementaler.
It was getting on my nerves. My throat started to hurt, and I realized it was me who was the one screaming.
Platinumgal: *Boggles from the stupidity*
Merlin: *looks up* Well not everything was ‘clear’ then was it you stupid-trying-to-sound-deep bint!
My shrieking ceased as the pain slowly went away.
Platinumgal: What? Pain like that doesn’t just go away! It’s not like you’ve had pain-killers!
I reached for my side, trying to put pressure on the wound. My fingers searched for the whole in my side, but found nothing but a small, soft hand.
Platinumgal: Bad touch, Mordred!
My eyes opened to see Mordred holding my hand trying to calm me. "Slow breaths, Jen. It's going to take a while for you to get your energy back." He told me, patting my head. I leaned back and groaned.
Merlin: *splutters*
Platinumgal: GAH!
Merlin: Everything wrong that could have been taken from that sentence, I just did.
"What happened?" I asked. "I thought I was dead."
Merlin: Oh my god. She actually tried to pull a Disney Death on herself.
He smiled. "You were, well sort of. You were on the brink of death.
Merlin: *Flatly* Oh really.
Platinumgal: *Fumes* Being ‘on the brink of death’ is not the same as being actually dead. Stop trying to sound intellectual, it isn’t working for you
I brought you back after Casern stabbed you with the knife that he enchanted."
Merlin: *Sniggers* Oh did he enchant his knife?
Platinumgal: Nah. He had it enchanted by Rosie Palms and her five lovely daughters!
He said, pleased with himself. "I wouldn't have been able to heal you if it was just some regular knife.
Platinumgal: Actually, magical wounds in the show have been shown to be much more difficult to heal than ordinary ones. So unless the knife was specifically enchanted to...I don’t know, +2 to healing effects or something, then it wouldn’t have helped.
Now I can take care of you and then you can return the favor by helping me out." the little boy explained and sat down next to me. I noticed that I was on a hard
Merlin: AGH!
Merlin: Oh. Phew.
inside another tent.
Platinumgal: Is it just me, or does she seem to spend the majority of her time tied up in random tents?
"My friends are going to find me. They know where we are." I breathed, not able to project my voice.
"Oh, no they won't.
Merlin: Oh yes they will!
Platinumgal: Oh no they won’t!
Merlin: Having your antagonist sounding like a pantomime villain is usually not good writing.
Platinumgal: Unless they’re Alan Rickman.
Merlin: Good point.
See, after Arthur invaded, we moved so that they couldn't find us again."
Platinumgal: *Stands up and Claps slowly, then sits down again wordlessly*
Merlin: You know, the irony is that that’s probably the most sensible thing anyone in this fic has done so far.
He said, trying to make himself look intelligent.
Platinumgal: Gee, where have I heard that before?
"With magic, anything's possible." I smiled. He was right, there. I sat up and put my feet on the floor. This simple task took all my energy to do. "I told you." Mordred said, rolling his eyes. "You need to rest. Almost dying can take a lot out of you."
Platinumgal: (Mordred) As can necrophilia!
Merlin: Plat!
I laughed once and tried to stand up unsuccessfully. My butt slammed back down on the bed, giving me a new pain to worry about. "Healing is advanced magic
Merlin: OK, I’ll give her that one. When I healed Gwen’s father, I had to make a poultice, and I needed to gather all kinds of reagents to heal Uther. *coughs*
Platinumgal: At least she didn’t pull the ‘Flash o’ gold, google translated Latin’ thing she normally does.
and you haven't even thanked me yet." Mordred complained.
Platinumgal: What kind of thanking does he want? *Grins*
Merlin: Platinumgal!
Platinumgal: Hey, I’ve seen those stills of new!Mordred. I like what I see!
"I wouldn't have to thank you if your people hadn't kidnapped me!" I said, making eye contact. This didn't seem to have any affected him at all. Mordred shrugged and walked over to a chair to sit down.
Merlin: Really? I thought he’d go to a chair to stand up.
He closed his eyes and sat perfectly still. Just then, a man walked into the tent. He was tall with platinum blonde hair.
Platinumgal: Do they have hair dye in fairy tale kingdoms?
His eyes were almost grey, yet so mesmerizing. He was kind of… beautiful.
Merlin: *headdesks*
Merlin: No no no! He can’t be evil if he’s pretty! *vomits*
"Mordred, you called." The man said with a smile. His voice was so soothing, not cold like all the other druids' voices.
Merlin: FUCK YOU!
Mordred nodded and pointed at me. "I see you have Jennifer. Welcome." He greeted. "I am Cameron." Cameron said.
Platinumgal: Paging the department of redundancy department!
Merlin: ‘“I’m Merlin,” said Merlin, introducing himself as Merlin to the people who did not know he was called Merlin but now knew he was called Merlin thanks to him telling them he was Merlin which was his name.’
Platinumgal: Wow. And to Quote Rifftrax: ‘Did you run out of good evil names?’
I remained quiet and he sighed. "I hear that you are close friends with Emrys and Prince Arthur, but you know him by King Arthur. Is this true?"
Platinumgal: (Cameron) *Slowly twirls moustache but in an affable way like Stephan Fry smothered in...jam...*
Merlin: You quite finished?
I nodded turned my head. They weren't going to get information from me no matter what. I had to be strong.
Back at Camelot…
Platinumgal: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Arthur paced his room, agitating Merlin.
Platinumgal: I believe that this calls for a call-back:
Merlin: Are you alright?
Platinumgal: (Arthur) I am pacing.
Merlin: I can see that!
Platinumgal: (Arthur) A man who is alright does not pace!
The prince had been blaming himself for Jen's death all day, even though the warlock had been telling him that she couldn't be dead.
Merlin: And for that, I hate myself.
"How can you be so sure?" Arthur snapped. Merlin rolled his eyes. He noticed that his servant had gotten some backbone around him. It was probably because all the secrets were out and he no longer had to play dumb.
Platinumgal *Stands up and Claps slowly, then sits down again wordlessly*
Merlin: Two slow-claps in one chapter? Wow.
"Arthur, think about it." Merlin ordered. He was starting to wish that there was some convincing spell.
Merlin: Not like I need one. This Arthur has been OOC’d to the point of believing anything anyone tells him.
"If they needed Jen to help them, then they wouldn't have killed her." He said.
Platinumgal: Wow, Merlin. You really know your shit.
"Unless, by killing her it did help them,"
Arthur said. Merlin gave him that really-Arthur-really kind of look.
Merlin: *Just....dies*
"They could've got any information out of her head or something. They practice magic, Merlin, they're evil." Arthur blurted out before he realized what he said. Merlin nodded solemnly and looked down at the floor. Arthur looked at the warlock.
Platinumgal: *Lies down and goes to sleep*
"So, you still think that?" Merlin asked.
Merlin: So, anything interesting going to happen soon?
Arthur sighed. "No, I'm sorry, Merlin. I didn't mean that you're evil, just…" he struggled for words. "You know what I mean.
Platinumgal: Mmmmmm-nope!
I don't think like my father.
Merlin: In spite of still clearly thinking like your father
You can thank Jen for part of that."
He smiled. Merlin sat down in a chair.
"Arthur, sit down. You're pacing is making me nervous."
"Sigh……c'mon Jenna, will you relax and save your energy." "You're starting to make me dizzy watching you."
-My Inner Life- A New Friend
Merlin: Not a good sign Suethor!
Merlin ordered. He said this with so much authority that the prince had no choice but to obey.
He sat on his bed and put his head in his hands. Merlin looked out the window, hoping the answer to their problems was in the clouds.
Platinumgal: Well you’re about as useful as one
"We have to go back to the camp and get her." Arthur bluntly commented.
"No, they would have moved by now. The druids wouldn't risk Uther finding them." Merlin informed his friend.
"They seemed pretty friendly with you. You are just like them, so why don't you like them?" Arthur asked. "Oh and why did they call you 'Emrys'?"
Merlin shook his head. "I'll tell you later. Now we need to focus."
Merlin: I don’t actually know why they call me Emrys, you know.
The prince nodded and it became silent, both boys lost in thought.
There was a knock at Arthur's door. Whoever it was didn't wait for permission to enter, just came in.
Platinumgal: Does no one respect the hierarchy in this fic?
Morgana stepped into the room with a worried look.
Platinumgal: Well that was needlessly clunky.
Merlin stood up from his chair when she came in where as Arthur just stayed on the bed, staring at Merlin like he was crazy.
"Lady Morgana," Merlin said with a smile.
"Hello, Merlin." Morgana greeted back. The blonde prince looked at Merlin and Morgana.
"Is there something…?" Arthur started, pointing at the servant and ward.
Merlin: *Screams*
Platinumgal: Time and a place for shipping jokes!
"What? No!" They both chimed.
Merlin: *groans* She used that exact same phrase earlier on.
"Uh, huh," Arthur said standing up and then leaning against the wall. "Then can we get back to the topic at hand. Morgana, if you don't mind, can you please leave?"
Platinumgal: (Arthur) We’re in the middle of a slashy moment to please the Merthur shippers!
Merlin: *sighs*
"Actually, I do mind." Morgana said standing up straight. Arthur sighed.
"Look, Morgana, you really need to go-"
"I saw from my window what happened with the druids."
Platinumgal: *Sniggers* Considering Morgana always seems to be staring mournfully out of a window, that is the most in character thing to have happened in this!
She said suddenly. Merlin and Arthur exchanged worried looks. "I saw them stab Jen and then take off."
Merlin: Oh Morgana. I’m sorry this had to happen to you too.
Merlin breathed a sigh of relief and Arthur winced at the memory. "Lancelot," she called quietly. The boy's ears perked up. The tall and handsome ex-knight
Merlin: No, he’s an UN-KNIGHT!
Platinumgal: Well, if you want to get technical, he was technically knighted in his introductory episode, but its kinda void considering that he was never eligible in the first place.
stepped into the room. "I want to help and so does he."
"How did you know he was here?" Arthur asked.
"I went to see Gaius earlier about Jen
Merlin: Of course.
and I saw him." she explained. Lancelot stepped closer to Merlin, feeling a bit awkward in the presence of the prince of Camelot.
"My Lord," Lancelot bowed his head. Arthur just smiled a little. Titles weren't important to him right now.
Platinumgal: This would technically be in-character for Arthur later on in the show’s run, but remember, when the suethor was writing this, she had only seen season 1. And in season 1, Arthur was spoiled, arrogant and definitely of the belief that titles were important.
Therefore, either the Suethor thinks that this is good behaviour, has disregarded Arthur’s character, or she thinks that her Sue would change his attitude. Hey Suethor, do you know who actually changed Arthur for the better? GUINEVERE!
"I will help in any way I can." He said holding his sword in his hands.
Platinumgal: *grins*
Merlin: Don’t go there.
"Thank you, Lancelot. We appreciate it." Arthur said, not pleased that they weren't focused on a plan, but standing around talking. Merlin could sense the prince's annoyed mood and spoke up.
"I think we need to work on a plan." Merlin said clapping his hands together.
Platinumgal: Can’t. Take. The. Stupid!
"Morgana, you can go now." Arthur said, aggravated.
She was taken aback. "I think that there has been some error with our communication. I'm helping!"
Merlin: Who talks like that? No one talks like that do they?
she exclaimed.
Merlin froze. "Morgana, say that again."
"I'm helping." She said for the second time, a bit confused.
Platinumgal: Yeah so am I.
"No, what you said before."
"There's been an error with our communication?"
Merlin: It doesn’t get any less stupid the more you say it.
"YES!" Merlin said, practically jumping up and down. He was beaming with a smile that touched his eyes. "I've got it!" Arthur gave him a questioning look. Merlin mouthed 'magic' to Arthur and he caught on.
Platinumgal: (Arthur) Hey, Merlin, Do you think we’re being subtle?
"Morgana, you really need to leave now." Arthur said. The king's ward shook her head, being her stubborn self.
"I'm not going anywhere." She said, standing her ground.
"Arthur, she's going to find out, anyway." Merlin said. "I should tell her."
"Merlin, you really are an idiot. You can't tell Morgana!" Arthur protested.
"She deserves to know." Merlin said.
"If we tell her, who knows what could happen?"
Merlin: Oh my god, but this is stupid.
Platinumgal: I really hope that if you do reveal your magic, it’s less banal than this...
"Tell me what?" Morgana exclaimed, losing her temper.
Merlin, Arthur, and Lancelot exchanged looks. "Morgana, we will tell you later, just not now. We have to get back to work. Just go to bed or do whatever women do at this hour."
Platinumgal: Hahaha casual sexism.
Arthur said. She looked at Merlin and he nodded.
"I will tell you, Morgana." He assured her.
"Alright, but I'm holding you to your word." she said. Morgana turned her back and walked out, shutting the wooden door behind her.
Arthur turned to his servant. "Now, Merlin, what's this about communication?"
Merlin: Something really convoluted, stupid and deus ex-y no doubt.
Back to the Druid's Camp…
Platinumgal: Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
Night fell and Cameron still hadn't gotten anything out of me. I wasn't going to break suddenly like they were counting on. I was stronger than that, for goodness sake! Hell, I'm from the future. I didn't break when I had four essays, a book report, and two pages of math homework to do, and I won't break now.
Merlin: *Headdesks*
Platinumgal: *old voice* You know, when I were your age an’ workin’ on a page ‘bout moles ‘n’ constants, I could only wish tha’ some creepy guy would torture me for information.
They had given me my own tent in the middle of their new camp, that way if I tried to make a run for it, they could catch me easily, or so Cameron says. I've been tempted to try, but I was still too weak.
My thoughts turned to Merlin and Arthur. They probably thought I was dead and weren't looking for me because why look for a lifeless body? I had told Mordred and Cameron several times that my friends would find me, but by the twentieth time I began to doubt my own words. If they believed that I was dead, then all hope was lost.
Merlin: Whine whine whine. Bitch bitch bitch. Moan moan moan! Why don’t you try and sort yourself out?
There was something about Cameron, though. When he was interrogating me- or at least that's what it felt like- it was almost as if he was hinting something to me, but I was probably getting too observant. I began to recall what he was saying to me.
"Now Jen, did you know that time travel is very advanced magic?"
Platinumgal: *darkly* No really?
I had turned my head away. "Are we communicating, here?" he had said when I didn't answer. When I looked at him, it was as if he was telling me something with his eyes.
Platinumgal: As opposed to with his nose. Or his eyebrows.
I flashed back to reality when someone walked into my tent. It was Cameron.
I groaned.
"Jen," he said urgently. "I couldn't tell you before with Mordred here, but I can now." He began to whisper. "Emrys, or Merlin, and others with magic can communicate through their minds." He said. "And since time travel takes powerful magic, some of it might have rubbed off on you, though you've been here for a while, so it might have worn off. But you'd only be able to do little things, nothing extreme like spells." He said in a rush.
Platinumgal: Well, looks like you were right, Merlin. That has to be the most stupid thing I’ve read in a very long time, and I’ve read Fifty Shades of Grey.
"So, then why didn't you just tell me 'through my mind' earlier?" I asked, being the skeptic that I am.
"I don't have magic. I can only receive messages, but not send them.
Merlin: Then you can’t be a druid can you?
I'm just a quick study." He said with an apologetic smile. "The druids took me in when I was little, but they quickly learned that I didn't posses any magic."
Merlin: Why would they do that? You don’t have magic, so you wouldn’t be persecuted by Uther so there’d be no point!
I remained quiet, not quite sure where this was going. "I guess what I'm trying to say is to not give up. You want to go home, whether that's Camelot or your home in the future, that's up to you.
Platinumgal: *Splutters*
Don't give up on your friend's, Jen. You'd be surprised what friends do for each other."
Platinumgal: Funny. That doesn’t seem to apply to your old friends, does it?
He smiled at me. It was a true smile. I could tell that it was all the truth from his eyes. "Goodnight," he walked out of the tent.
That left me thinking; where is my home exactly?
Merlin: Oh I don’t know, the place you were raised, where you have spent the majority of your life, and where your friends and family who love and cherish you and would probably miss you and spend the rest of their lives wondering where you were and whether you’d died are.
Platinumgal: You know who this reminds me of, Merlin? *Thunderclap* Bella Swan.
Back to...
Chapter 12 Onwards...Chapter 14