Aug 22, 2009 01:28
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I would probably choose to work in the government as some kind of interpreter or ambassador, so that I could travel all around the world and see all the different kinds of wizards out there, and learn about them. I’m assuming that there are different cultures of creatures like goblins or house elves, just like there are different cultures of wizards/Muggles around the world, and it’d be fascinating to learn about all of them and interact with them directly.
- You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
I would choose Dumbledore to bring with me. He’s the most powerful wizard in the world (before he died of course), the only one Voldemort was afraid of. And he’s also very calm and makes those weird little jokes and comments that would keep me from being freaked out in the dark. He’s a very secure presence that not only is powerful but also good company.
As for an object, I would bring a flashlight, just in case I lose my wand and Dumbledore. I mean, something to protect yourself with is great, but if you can’t see anything in the dark...The flashlight would help you find your wand if you lose it and then you can protect yourself again. I mean your wand can do anything you need it to, but unless you’re a very advanced wizard, you still need your wand, and if you lose it in the forest where there’s no moonlight or light, then you’re screwed, to put it mildly.
And even if you don’t use the flashlight to find your wand again, you can use to get the hell out of there to safety, without running into trees or tripping over roots.
- If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
I would choose not to live forever. What makes life worthwhile is to have friends and family to have shared experiences with, and growing older and growing up together is one of those experiences. It would hurt to much to watch them grow old and to slowly lose them all until I was alone again...even if I found new friends, the cycle would just repeat itself until the point where I would just become a loner, avoiding everybody.
- If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
Would I be able to come back to the present again? Because there’s lots of places that I would visit but I don’t know where I would go to stay forever...
Let’s just assume you mean as a visit.
I would like to go to Hollywood during the 40s. I would like to meet a lot of my favourite actors who have since died, i.e Clark Gable, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, etc. I mean, not that it’s necessarily guaranteed that I would meet them just because I land in Hollywood in the 40s, but even just to be in Hollywood. Everything was so glamourous and glitzy and maybe that’s a skewed perception, maybe things weren’t really like that, but it would be really cool to watch the film industry and society develop into what it is today, knowing what’s going to happen.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
I remember always identifying very well with Hermione, especially in the first couple of books, because she was really smart (not to brag) and not that good at interacting with her peers. She was very straight laced and terrified of breaking the rules and getting in trouble. As the books go on, she loosens up a lot, becoming more socially extroverted and capable of bending the rules a little. I would say I’m somewhere around her middle stage, I’m still very straight edged and uptight about some things, and I’m naturally smart (although, unlike Hermione, I don’t work very hard so my grades aren’t as good as they could be), but with the help of my good friends I’ve loosened up a little in the last few years. Also I don’t have a lot of close friends. In the books it seems that Hermione doesn’t have a lot of friends outside of Ron and Harry. I mean it’s hard to tell since we are focussed on Harry and obviously don’t see what Hermione is doing when she’s not with them, but that’s just the impression I got.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I would see myself and my friends and my family, all of us having found true happiness, no matter what that might describe for each of us. For me, outside of having all my loved ones be happy and safe, I would see myself with somebody who loves me just the way I am and whom I love just the way they are, with a family and a happy home. Pretty simple I know.
- Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
I believe that intentions are what you should judge. Somebody can’t be judged by a consequence they didn’t anticipate. They were trying to do the right thing, and that’s the important part. If you judge by consequences, than you say that they should have been able to forsee every possible thing that could ever happen and that’s just impossible for a person to do. I think that intentions are the most important thing.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
I don’t actually remember what my ideal job was as a kid...I don’t think I really had that kind of “When I grow up I want to be...” mentality, I was more concerned with the present. The earliest thing I can remember is in Grade 9 I wanted to be a vet. It did change temporarily in Grade 11 to wanting to go into business and be an accountant, but since then it has changed back and I would like to go to vet school and be a vet again. (I’m in second year university).
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I would invent a spell that would allow me to hear what people are thinking. I know that’s what Legilimency is for, but I mean you have to be looking the person in the eye to do it, so it’s not all that useful if you’re walking next to a person. It would of course have to be a non-verbal spell because what would be the point of using it if the person knows that you’re doing it? The reason I would want this is not for sneaky purposes or to manipulate people, it’s that I am honestly completely obvious to any sort of subtle hints or body language that people might be displaying. I would call it Revelio Cervo(I know, not the most inspired name, naming things isn’t my strong point...)
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
I don’t know if the Boggart would be able to become what scares me most, since it’s a feeling less so than an object. I suppose the closest thing would be that it would surround me with darkness, leaving me completely alone, with no friends or loved ones, completely isolated from everybody I care for. And when I shout Riddikulus, it would turn into a party, or even just a gathering, with all my friends, where we’re just hanging out with each other and having a good time enjoying each others company.
- What do you look for in a friend?
Loyalty. A friend who turns on you when things start to go sour is not a friend. Silliness. I can’t be friends with somebody who can’t be silly...You can’t be silly all the time of course, there are of course situations that call for seriousness, but when it’s appropriate, silliness is fun and healthy. Laughing at stupid stuff. I need somebody who isn’t going to shy away from the truth...I’m an idiot sometimes and I need somebody who will look me in the eye and say that I’m an idiot. I need the blunt honest truth, and I need somebody who isn’t afraid to give it to me. Somebody who will tell me I was an idiot about that guy who hurt me while at the same time keeping me stocked up with ice cream, handing me tissues and watching stupid romantic movies with me.
I need a friend who will be there for me when I need them, good times AND bad. I’ve had a lot of friends who are there when I need comfort but are nowhere to be found when I want to do something fun, and vice versa.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Being two-faced or hypocritical. I absolutely hate when people say one thing to your face and another behind your back. I absolutely cannot stand people who think they can have it both ways like that. Either you like me or you don’t, either you are my friend, or you aren’t. I hate when people treat you differently when they’re trying to be impressive to other people.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
- My heart. I know that sounds corny. But I have a huge capacity to care for people (see weaknesses as well), and I would do anything for the ones I love. And I forgive easily, I don’t hold grudges for a long time, and I will always be there for somebody when they need me.
- I can work well under stress. I often find that I work best under pressure when I’m down to the wire, and if I were to be put on a game show or something, I would do well even though everybody’s watching me. I’m very good at just focussing on something and shutting other things out. I mean I’m still stressed and I’m likely to lash out at people, but I also can stay focussed on what I need to do.
- Intelligence. I’m very smart, usually, and I can logic things out. I’m very good at those logic puzzles and crosswords. I’m good at making connections between things and finding solutions to problems, and I have a lot of information stored in my head. I have a lot of good common sense.
- I’m very honest. Not just because of my strong moral compass but also because I am a terrible liar. But I think I’m a terrible liar because I feel bad about lying because I am so honest so it’s kind of a cycle. I’m somebody who doesn’t believe that there’s many situations where one NEEDS to lie. I believe honesty, usually, really is the best policy.
- I’m really easy going. I don’t need things to be my way all the time, and I usually shy away from debating about things. I’d rather find a compromise than argue a point, unless it’s something I really believe in. I really just want everybody to get along, as corny as that sounds, I hate having to mediate fights or having to fight with people.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
- I can be kind of insensitive...not on purpose, I just have a habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I can listen and I can nod and say generic things like “It’ll be okay...” and pat people on the shoulder, but don’t look to me for anything beyond that. If I try, I sound insensitive. I’m the kind of person that asks somebody who they’re boyfriend is doing only to find out they just broke up like five minutes earlier.
- I’m lazy. I’m always looking for ways to save effort. Best outcome for the least effort. My grades at school would be much better if I weren’t always going the ‘It’s good enough’ route...
- I’m very anxious. I worry a lot about things that I shouldn’t worry about. Things that I can’t control so there isn’t a point in worrying about it. I sometimes feel like I’m missing out on things because I avoid things that make me worry, I don’t like having any element that I can’t predict.
- I forgive people way too easily. I’m always looking for the good in everybody and I’m easily fooled into thinking that somebody deserves forgiveness. There’s people that I still talk to even after they’ve hurt me badly, and I may not trust them fully, but I give them the benefit of my forgiveness and courtesy, when they don’t deserve it.
- Sometimes I’m selfish. Not all the time, but I do often think of myself first before others. I’m not proud of it, but that’s how it is.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage:
The ability to do what you think is right, even when you’re scared. People always say courage is not being afraid...wrong. Courage is being afraid, but facing the fear and doing it anyway.
- Loyalty:
Being there for a person, through good times and bad. Defending them against others, even if they’re in the wrong and you know that they are. Being there for them when they need you, even if you’ve been fighting or are in a bad mood, or don’t want to.
- Intelligence:
I read a quote somewhere once…it was something like…"Let me have the strength to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". I think intelligence is not about knowing facts and being able to recite them off when you need to, I think intelligence is the ability to form connections between thoughts and ideas without having to be lead there by a marked pathway.
- Ambition:
Ambition is having a goal and not letting anything stand in the way of getting to it. It’s being in the lowest rung of the ladder and seeing yourself at the top, and not settling for anything less.
- Name:
- Age:
- Where did you find out about us?
A friend told me about you and linked me
- Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted?
Yes for sure!
sorted: hufflepuff,
term xiv