Five pages in wordperfect....

Aug 20, 2008 22:40

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    Well, my dream job for this world would be to become an author, so that would translate over to the wizarding world.. I would probably write magical stories for younger children, fairytales and such. If not that, I would probably want to work in the ministry with international magical relations- the world at large has always interested me.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    Probably astronomy. I am a night owl and I love the stars and the night sky.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
    No...I’m not going to put my life and my health at risk for glory. I think it’s rather foolish and all together unnecessary. If I was to be given glory for anything, I would rather it come from doing something that could genuinely help others or contribute to society, not just to say I was the best at something.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
    An eagle, definitely, for quite a few reasons. One, I just like the whole idea of being able to fly. Secondly, I think I identify with an eagle a lot. In my sophomore year of highschool, for an English project we had to chose a Native American name, write a paragraph on why we chose it, and have some sort of graphic. My name was diving eagle, because eagles are rather magnificent birds I think, but they’re also very reserved and kind of lonely. However, they have this sort of majestic aura around them when they fly. They also know what they want and go after it.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    Hmm...well, my first choice was Hermione because of her book smarts(I love reading and I pick up a lot of knowledge) but then I thought about how logical she is and I realized that’s not really me at all. I think I’m most like Luna. While I may not be quite as.. “out-there” as her, I share a lot of personality with her. She’s quite dreamy and idealistic, and I am certainly the same. I have strong opinions and passions and I am definitely a dreamer and an optimistic. My Mom used to say I was out of touch with reality because I always thought that somehow the world could become a better place and I tend to ignore the negative side of things. I know that they are there and I know what those negative things are, but I do not see the point in dwelling on them when I could be dwelling on good things. I also am not a very feet-on-the-ground person: quite the opposite, my head is always in the clouds. I daydream constantly and my imagination has only increased since childhood.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    I can actually identify with Harry on this one because I too would see my family, complete and whole and together. I haven’t lost both my parents like Harry did, but I have felt the loss and sting of losing a parent while being young. It hurts to look around at friends and others who have parents and not quite remember what that nice, loving, “well-rounded”(for lack of a better word) family feels like.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
    I would put most away for college, since the places I’m looking at are very expensive, but I would probably splurge quite a bit as well. My splurges would probably be a new car(I currently drive a ‘90 F150, which I do love and is great, but it would be nice to have something that’s not older than I am!) And a new laptop. I would also give some money to my sister as she is a single parent with two girls, and I would donate some of it to international organizations(but not before I investigated in every possible way to make sure I know where my money is going!) But the rest would all be saved.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    My first ideal job as a kid was to be a ballerina, but that went out the door as soon as I found out I have no grace and am the clumsiest person to come out of my family yet. My next ideal job was to be an author (C.S. Lewis’ the Chronicles of Narnia inspired that for me) and no, it hasn’t changed except now, with a bit more practicality, I realize I don’t necessarily have to write award-winning books to have that dream job..I just need to write something. If I can write short stories for magazines the rest of my life, I would be perfectly happy.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    I would invent a spell that could temporarily give you wings, just to experience the feeling. Sure, wizards can fly using brooms, but I don’t think it would be the same as having wings like a bird. Even though it could be a useful spell, I would really just create it for personal enjoyment. Some things in life just need to have no other purpose but to give joy and pleasure(all that needs to exist is a happy balance between work and play). As for the name...I actually tried to look up “Have wings” in google as for what the Latin would be, but I couldn’t find anything except wings is apparently alae. But “Have wings” would be the English translation.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    My biggest fear is losing all my friends and I think I would probably see all those people dead- even though death isn’t the only way to lose a friend or family, it is probably the most permanent way and the only way I think a boggart to take the form of that fear. And when I did Riddikulus I think that it would turn into a dancing flamingo, because flamingos are fun and bright and I don’t see how I couldn’t smile or laugh at the sight of one dancing. When I was very young, five-ish or so, I had this flamingo impersonation(including a dance) that could make everyone laugh, no matter how bad they were feeling, so I’m sure a real flamingo would have a much bigger impact.

  • What do you look for in a friend?
    Loyalty and honesty are a must of course, because without those two, a friendship has no solid foundation. Besides that, someone I can be myself around. Someone who won’t laugh at my radical ideas or will listen to my very opinionated takes on what I’m passionate about. Someone who I can laugh and joke with as well. I’m a very shy person, so I don’t necessarily look for the trait of a person being outgoing in a friendship, but it does help since someone has to initiate the friendship and it’s usually very hard for me to do so, but I will if I feel comfortable enough. And I think the cinching factor is respect. My friends don’t necessarily have to agree with what I say, but I want them to respect my thoughts and views and I in turn will do the same to them.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?
    I’m pretty easy-going for the most part, but the trait that annoys me the most about people is when they are totally apathetic to the themselves, their lives, and the world around them. I simply cannot fathom how people can not care about jobs, careers, international issues, national issues, local issues, anything! I’m a very opinionated person, even though I don’t always come across that way when you talk to me in person because I’m so shy, but since I do care about most things and issues and people, I can’t wrap my head around those that don’t.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    1.Caring When I ask someone how they are, I really do care. If they didn’t give me the standard “I’m fine” answer, then I will talk with them and I will comfort them and I won’t do it out of a sense of obligation. I really enjoy helping people and I try to do it anyway I can. I’m not always the best at giving advice, but I’m willing to listen and hope that even if I can’t give advice, just the fact I listened will be enough to get them through it. It hurts me deeply when I see people in misery and look around and realize they’ve been like that all along and I was too caught up in other things to notice.
    2. I’m not very self-confident, so I have trouble seeing the truth in this one, but numerous people have told me I’m very strong and I can see that in myself. I don’t have a lot of brute strength, but emotionally I’ve always carried a lot and usually I’m the shoulder for people to cry on. I’m not saying I don’t need to be around other people all the time, because I do, as there are some things that no one can carry by themselves, but normally, I’m very emotionally steady on my own.
    3. This is both a strength and a weakness, but sort-of going along with strength, I’m very independent. I am a very self-sufficient person and I can do things on my own without help. I know how to survive just fine by myself. Don’t think me antisocial though- I like having family and friends around to help and guide me, but I can make do on my own.
    4. Driven- I know what I want and I go after it. Usually, this is a good quality. I try to evaluate how what I am doing will effect others, and if my wants and desires don’t get in the way of people’s feelings, then I go for it, but I have been known to slip in the area of thinking about others when faced with something I want occasionally, as I am only human. If I really want to achieve something, I will fling my entire being into it passionately and fearlessly, no matter what it takes.
    5. This is probably my most prominent quality, even though it is at the bottom of the list. I’m very immaginative. Not everyone sees this as a good thing(My Mom once told me I ignore reality too often) but I think it is. I’m creative and I like to share it with others. Imagination has achieved some of the greatest inventions and works of art and history, and I see it as an extremely important quality. I also think there isn’t enough Imagination in the world today, so I try and do my best to fill that void.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    1. I have a tendency to correct people if I know they’re wrong. Sometimes, this helps the other people(when it really matters that they know what they’re saying), but most of the time, it’s just annoying and sometimes, when it’s a large group of people, even embarrasses them. I do not mean to do it, but I do have a habit of picking up random knowledge and using it whenever it’s applicable, so when a subject comes up that I’m at least semi-informed about, I correct everyone and everything.
    2.Pride This is the downside to that independence. I hate admitting when I need help with something. In the classroom, when I don’t understand something, I will never ask the teacher about it. This is not because I’m self-conscious and don’t want to look ignorant, but because I want to figure everything out on my own, thank you very much. Also tying in with my whole “correcting-people”, I have a very, very hard time admitting that I’m wrong. Which leads me to my next weakness:
    3. Stubbornness- If pride is the downside to my good quality of independence, then Stubbornness is the downside to my determination. This is not quite as big of a weak quality as some of the others, because usually eventually I will compromise, but I will argue for a while before I do. Especially in verbal arguments- because of my pride and hating to admit that I am wrong, I will become very stubborn and keep arguing even if I know I am wrong. I don’t usually start arguments, but I am the one who usually keeps them going.
    4.Lack of Self-confidence: I know this might seem like a contradictory statement after I’ve admitted that I’m prideful and stubborn, but really, this is what most of my negative traits stem from. Inside, I always have this feeling that I’m not really strong enough or good enough, so my answer to that voice is these other negative traits. I always feel like I need to constantly improve whatever it is I’m doing. Sometimes, it’s a healthy want to improve, but usually I crossover that line and enter the self-negativity area.
    5.Shy- This one actually ties in mostly with pride. I don’t like being vulnerable, so I am often not the one to initiate conversations with people I don’t know very well out of a fear of rejection of who I am and my personality and beliefs. Even though I will never change my personality or beliefs, I have to admit I don’t exactly stand on a chair and shout them out to the world, though I will give my honest opinion on anything if directly asked about it.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: I don’t call a person truly courageous until not only can they stand up for something, but step back. There was a poster in my English class last semester that read: “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” and I agree. Standing up for what you believe in is extremely courageous, yes, but courage is more than that. One of my biggest things about courage is that if someone faces an enemy of theirs, willing to fight and willing to die and willing to hurt out of revenge, I don’t call that courage. If their willing to fight and die is out of justice, then that is courage. I know it is a fine line and sometimes I cannot even distinguish it, but that is my belief on it.

    • Loyalty: I think that loyalty is one of the most important traits. Loyalty is a promise to always stand by a person. However, you do not have to agree with a person to be loyal to them, and you don’t always have to side with them on certain issues and beliefs. But real loyalty is being there for someone when the good times end and things get really dark. I think one of the biggest test of loyalty is when you’re willing to listen to someone cry, no matter the time of day, no matter what appointment you’re running late for. In simpler terms, loyalty is when you start placing another’s needs before your own. (It must also be said, too, a real friend will do the same...otherwise it’s not a balanced relationship)

    • Intelligence: I think intelligence has may forms, whether it be language, math, music, creativity, or what have you. I also think there are some intelligence forms that some people are naturally better at than others, but everyone can develop better intelligence. Why I value intelligence, I think intelligence without any other virtue is rather cold and meaningless.

    • Ambition: While I have a great deal of ambition and admire others that do as well, I think blind ambition without care for others is one of the worst traits a person can have. When a person starts valuing their ambitions over the needs of others, I think the person has traveled down a very wrong road and needs to take a U-turn. However, ambition in check with other things is a great quality and has accomplished a lot in this world.

  • Name: Stormy
  • Age: 17
  • Where did you find out about us? Well, I was a member of these communities quite a few years ago, but then I went on a Livejournal hiatus and came back. I don’t remember where I found out about this community before.
  • Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? I do plan on being active and I really hope I can, but I also can’t make any promises. I have a really busy year coming up and I don’t know how much I’m going to be on LJ at all, but I will be as active as my circumstances allow me.

sorted: ravenclaw, term xi

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