If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Oh man... I have to pick one thing? There are so many things wrong with the world these days. I'd love to say "world peace", but that just sounds to corny :P. I suppose one big thing I change is the way leadership seems to work these days. Leaders of countries these days don't do anything but sit there and tell people what to do. Maybe if leaders still charged into battle with their armies on horseback, we wouldn't solve every problem these days with fighting. Also, we'd probably have fewer idiots running for political office just for kicks.
What makes a person respectable?
The way they act towards others. Someone can do amazing things, but I won't respect them if they're a jerk, no matter what they've done. That's not to say that everyone needs to be nice to eachother all the time because, lets face it, human nature just doesn't work that way. Just don't be arrogant about it. Uppity people are one of those things I just can stand. I truly respect someone who can be civil and respectful to everyone, even those they hate.
What do you look for in a friend?
Someone who I feel I can trust, but also someone I feel will trust me. I like to be the strong one in both romantic and friendily relationships (I'm often the shoulder to cry on), but I also need to feel like I have someone who will let ME cry on THEIR shoulder if I need it. I like people I can be comfortable with, and who think like me. A sense of humor is essential (mostly because I don't think anyone without a sense of humor could stand to be around me for very long :P). I need people who can be themselves, and who I feel I can be MYself around.
What are your hobbies?
I love to draw, read, and write. I also ride horses, which I've been doing as much as I possible can since a neighbor offered me lessons in 3rd grade. My major passion though is acting, particularly musical theater. I love to sing, and will in fact be a freshman Musical Thater Performance major at PACE University in manhattan this fall. I love music of all kinds, and I'll listen to just about anything.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I don't give much of my own money to charity (essentially because I don't HAVE any money to give :P), but I give a lot of time to it. I do the Relay for Life every year, and this year I raised a bunch of money with friends for the New York City AIDS Walk. I also founded an annual dog show at my town's 4th of July celebration. We get donations of prizes from local buisnesses, and people from all over the area pay a signup fee for their dogs. There's an obstacle course and a costume contest, and it's bunches of fun. At the end, all the proceeds are donated to the local humane society. I also do volunteer work for a few non-profit (if not exactly charity) organizations. I've been a Judge at the Odyssy of the Mind competition for several years and work every Halloween at a local "Haunted Forest" that benefits the Audobon Society.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I'd LOVE to be on Boradway someday, but I just want to make it on my own, whatever I wind up doing. I'm an independant person, and I'm determined not to let other people decided what I should do with my life. Whether I win or loose, I want to be able to say that I made a decent go of it and didn't give up.
Who is your role model?
I have many, but one inparticular is Kristin Chenoweth. She is one of those people who has had amazing success on broadway (and now, starting in movies and TV too), but through it all has remained an amazingly sweet person. She's managed to keep it all from inflating her head to the size of Texas. Plus, she has an utterly amazing voice.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Arrogance. I can't stand people who think they're above everyone else. I absolutely despise being talked down to for no reason other than someone's over-inflated self importance. I suppose my old exception to this rule is Artemis Fowl... but, come on, how can you NOT love Artemis Fowl? :P
What do you want to do for a living?
Be an actress i like both stage and screen, but I prefer live theater. You have a bigger connection with the people there. I particularly like playing comic roles, as I love making people laugh.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I would defend them however I could. My frends and family mean more to me than anything else in the world.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Only if someone was trying to do the same to me or my family and friends. I don't seek out violence, but I am intensely protective of those I care about. When someone hurts someone I care about, I tend to react very implusively, without thinking things through. As nasty as the idea of killing someone is to me, if it's me/people I love or them, it's going to be them.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
-I'm independant. I don't like letting anyone boss me around, and I like to think I can take care of myself.
-Singing. I love to sing, and I'm told I do it very well.
-I'm reasonably intelligent. I had a 3.5 average in High School and my SAT scores totaled at 1370.
-Art. I draw and doodle almost constantly.
-When I care about someone, I really care about them. I would do anything for my friends.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
-I'm lazy as hell, and a horrible procrastinator to boot.
-I'm stubborn. Once I put my mind to something, it's harder than hell to convince me otherwise.
-I have a bad habit of reacting instinctivly, without thinking things through. This has gotten me into unpleasant social situations more than once.
-I talk to much. I have a horrible tendancy to babble, and I often say things without realizing this. This too has gotten me into unpleasant social situations more than once. >.<
-I have an obsessive personality. I get very very involved in things. Sometimes TOO involved.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Standing up for yourself, doing what you believe is right.
Loyalty: Standing by and protecting those you love and care about.
Intelligence: the ability to think about things, to ponder and contemplate. You don't need to be book-smart to be intelligent.
Ambition: Knowing what you want and going straight after it.
Name: Mariah
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you?
Honestly, I think you could probably find reasons to put me in just about any house.
Where did you find out about us?
I found a link through someone's journal while browsing. I honestly don't remember where