Sort Me?

Jul 18, 2005 03:20

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I'd eliminate close-mindedness. Yes, there are worse things, but this is really where it starts. If we were actually able to keep an open mind and listen to other people, even if we didn't agree with them, I don't think there would be as much turmoil. Everyone seems so bent on being right they don't even stop to think what they are doing to everyone around them. And it's not that awful to be wrong once in a while. I'd rather be wrong and still be considered a decent human being than be right and have yelled everyone in a 50-mile-radius into oblivion to become so.
What makes a person respectable? Integrity. I once had a teacher whom I adored and still hold with the highest respect, who would drill us constantly on the importance of integrity. It is very easy to break someone's trust, but nearly impossible to gain it after it's broken. I can respect anyone who knows how important that is.
What do you look for in a friend? Someone I can trust easily, who will put up with me even when I'm being an idiot, and who will tell me when I'm being stupid, but never tell others when they think I'm being stupid. Obviously, someone with similar interests would be easier to build a companionship with, but someone who's had completely different experiences would be equally facinating.
What are your hobbies? I make glass beads in my basement, play guitar in my attic, kayak during the summer, I love being outdoors as much as I can be, especially hiking, camping, and rock climbing... and I love reading. Though, my favorite thing to do is stay up really late and just listen to good music by myself. It's very serene and calming, my form of meditation.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Yuppers! Most definately. I try to help out, but I often lack the drive, if an opportunity comes along where I can volunteer for something I think is honestly important, I'm there. Mostly, I love to hang out at protests, fight for a few causes with the voice of the people!
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Seeing the world (as cliche as it is) seems like a terribly exciting thing to do, but I suppose you could travel all over the world and not understand a thing, so I'd most like to be able to understand people.
Who is your role model? I've a few... my 6th grade teacher mentioned previously, he taught me a lot more than just how to balance an equation and has made me a much better person. Dale Chihouly, the glass artist is one of my heros, his work is absolutely awe inspiring.
What trait most annoys you about other people? They're pettiness, I can't stand how much people take for granted. You see people everywhere complaining so often over things that don't matter at all in the big scheme of things. I wish people could open they're eyes to what's important, care about others instead of money.
What do you want to do for a living? I'm not sure yet, I've been leaning towards psychology, but archeology would be fascinating. I'll figure it out, soon I hope.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Stop the attack obviously! This is my friend, there is no thing in the world that is going to hurt them. If anything is important to me in this world it's that the people I love never have to feel pain if I'm able to help it.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? No, I had to think about it for a second. On the one hand some people truly deserve it, but by using an unforgivable curse I'd just be sinking to the level of those who'd deserve it. There are other ways to stop someone, more humane ways.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I'm a good listener, fairly open-minded, I put my friends and family before myself, I'm extremely neat and organized, and I'm not afraid to make a fool of myself (or to just be myself).
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I don't always do what I'm supposed to (don't necessarily adhere to the rules), I find it hard to express my own feelings to others, I'm not very focused (I get distracted really easily), I obsess about things (or overthink insignificant things even though I know I shouldn't be bothered by them), and I can be a bit judgemental of others (especially if they don't agree with me... I like to be right).
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Facing your fears, even when it seems hopeless, not giving up or taking the easy way out. Standing for what's right (again with the cliches!) and not falling to temptation.
Loyalty: When you care for someone or something so much you're willing to put them before yourself. Pure love for them, so much so, that you would give your life to protect it.
Intelligence: Not just knowing facts but being able to think quickly and independently under pressure. Being able to think for one's self instead of thinking as they are told. Using logic and wit to a common advantage.
Ambition: Knowing one's full potential and being able to use whatever fashion available to achieve that potential. Very independant.

Name: Harmony
Age: 17
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? I don't think I belong in Slytherin because I'm not very driven, I don't know my full potential and even if I did, I wouldn't use any means to get to it.
Where did you find out about us? At the HBP midnight release party I went to a hufflepuff girl was handing out fliers... I have a lot of free time and love harry potter, so I figured I'd check it out.

term ii, sorted: hufflepuff

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