Consider humanity. Our whole lives we struggle against ourselves, against our nature. As humans, our bodies and minds constantly tell us to do what everyone around us tells us is wrong to do
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you know, only certain groups of beleivers in god ask you to deny your basic humanities. I prefer to think they are wrong.
I don't believe in hell, how could anything be worse then existing at all? I dont believe in heaven, how could anything be more fabulous then existing at all?
long stretches of highway appear wet at distance, mailboxes take the form of people when viewed from the very edge of your sight, alcohol makes fat broads beautiful, none of these are actual, but if thats how you see it then its real. its all in how you look at it, and you my friend are imposing these restrictions on yourself. nobody else is doing it for you. Try to see it as "either I change or I will eventually pay"
Hmm. Very, very interesting perspective. I agree. And I don't impose anything on myself. I'm just trying to examine the nature of God from the persepective that it really does exist in some way. I've spent a long time thinking about the world from the perspective of Chaos and it's just much too absurd to my thinking to believe it. But just because a God might exist doesn't mean that it is a benevolent force. Or even, dare I say, a very intelligent one.
SO TRUE! Just because a being holds supreme power does not mean they know how to use it wisely, just look at some of the politicians around the world! HA!
its always good to question, but sometimes it seems like you get stuck on the negative thinking and that sucks. There is so much thats positive in the world and in yourself that its such a shame to think you dont recognize it :)
I see the beauty. It's just that sometimes, beauty doesn't matter. You can only gaze into a sunset or marvel at the miracle of growth before... you start to wish for a sunset just a little more colorful, or wonder what happens when a tree catches fire. Beauty, like life, becomes irrelevant when it's seen so many times. But in the pursuit of ignorance, I am amazed at the depths that ignorance holds.
Yes beauty can seem irrelevant or predictable, but it is not limited. There are so many questions in the universe that are unanswered and so many opportunities in life for things to become pretty much anything, good or bad that you can imagine. The enormous magnitude of it all is really breathtaking.
Ignorance is shallow, boring and no matter how it manifests itself, it is always just plain stupidity. Ignorant people dont ask questions, they dont want to know anything. They live in a small confined space they've built in their minds where there is no room for growth or accomplishment or possibility. There is no dreaming or striving for goals. It’s full of fear of the unknown so it stays simple and unyielding in the face of tiny challenges and setbacks that life inevitably throws at you. That to me, is irrelevant and something to be pitied.
I enjoyed reading this conversation, but I just thought I should pipe in here and note that I believe he is referring to a different kind of ignorance.
Naite, I think, is referring to ignorance by its 2nd definition, which is just "lack of knowledge."
A stupid (ignorant, 1st definition) person is unaware. A person who is purposefully ignorant (2nd) is very aware, and he or she knows why this is necessary. He can look at a tree and forget that it's called a "tree" and even forget that we are supposed to think it is "beautiful." He can just feel amazed to be here among these things, even just for a second, and then probably move on so as not to look like a freak smiling at a tree. But you get the point.
I don't treasure ignorance. But I do treasure the search for it, in the sense that people spend their whole lives searching for things, and just when they think they've got their finger on it, the thing slips away, or is revealed to be something other than what it is. Everything is mutable, and so nothing can truly be known. Therefore, everything we think we know can be considered wrong because by the time we shape it in our minds, it has changed in a billion small ways and is a different thing. And so I am ignorant, because I know nothing, and I seek out ignorance, because all knowledge I ever can possess is wrong. In fact, all of life is fickle, and understanding this gives me the most beautiful thing of all: Peace. But I still have to keep on searching, because when I give up the search, I cease to be human and continue life as a machine.
I don't believe in hell, how could anything be worse then existing at all? I dont believe in heaven, how could anything be more fabulous then existing at all?
long stretches of highway appear wet at distance, mailboxes take the form of people when viewed from the very edge of your sight, alcohol makes fat broads beautiful, none of these are actual, but if thats how you see it then its real. its all in how you look at it, and you my friend are imposing these restrictions on yourself. nobody else is doing it for you. Try to see it as "either I change or I will eventually pay"
its always good to question, but sometimes it seems like you get stuck on the negative thinking and that sucks. There is so much thats positive in the world and in yourself that its such a shame to think you dont recognize it :)
Ignorance is shallow, boring and no matter how it manifests itself, it is always just plain stupidity. Ignorant people dont ask questions, they dont want to know anything. They live in a small confined space they've built in their minds where there is no room for growth or accomplishment or possibility. There is no dreaming or striving for goals. It’s full of fear of the unknown so it stays simple and unyielding in the face of tiny challenges and setbacks that life inevitably throws at you. That to me, is irrelevant and something to be pitied.
Naite, I think, is referring to ignorance by its 2nd definition, which is just "lack of knowledge."
A stupid (ignorant, 1st definition) person is unaware. A person who is purposefully ignorant (2nd) is very aware, and he or she knows why this is necessary. He can look at a tree and forget that it's called a "tree" and even forget that we are supposed to think it is "beautiful." He can just feel amazed to be here among these things, even just for a second, and then probably move on so as not to look like a freak smiling at a tree. But you get the point.
Thanks, I'm out, bye!
Quite a bind, quite a bind.
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