Jul 15, 2004 23:20
"Why you wanna give me a run-around?
Is it a sure-fire way to speed things up
When all it does is slow me down?"
When I was little, and my mom was making dinner she would ask me, "Brandy, would you rather have canned spinach or canned beats for dinner?" "Yuck! Can't we have neither.. maybe corn, or potatoes -- potatoes are a vegetable, you know!" I'd respond hopefully. No, No.. my choice was spinach or beets. I had to pick one of them.... I always thought this was a lesson in vegetables. You know the drill -- vegetables are good for you, you need to eat them, blah blah blah. Turns out I've been wrong all these years.
This was actually a lesson in voting. Both choices are absolutely distasteful. But, you have to pick one of them... Even if you don't, somebody else will, and you'll still be stuck... But, out there in the background there is another choice, one you'd rather pick, but really it's just throwing your vote away. There is no hope of really having the corn or potatoes, but there it is in the background. So, you sick it up and pick the one that will be the least distasteful with the main course of the night..
That, my friends, is politics.