Feb 06, 2010 15:32
The cauliflower turned out fine. I don't think I'll have Ray and Emily jockeying to get the remainder of it, the way they do with my mac-and-cheese, but that's okay. I'll eat the cauliflower.
The bread turned out okay. Not fabulous, just okay. Great color on the outside, but a bit dry on the inside. Next time I'll try letting it rise in the fridge, see if that improves the flavor. I did learn in the process of bouncing back and forth from the web to one cookbook and then another that before the 1700s in Europe, only rye was grown because wheat wouldn't thrive in the cool, damp climate there. When more tolerant strains of wheat were introduced, they were grown side-by-side in the same fields with rye, so that if the wheat failed there would still be rye to eat. This resulted in a wheat/rye blend still popular in some parts today.
Zoey and Michelle are playing/fighting all over the house. There's no biting - so far - just a lot of chasing and then staring contests. Then someone makes the first move - slugfest, but without claws. Michelle growls lightly. Zoey makes this funny trilling sound which is her specialty. And they're off again! To the other side of the house! Highly entertaining to watch.
It has just occurred to me that the latest bread I made would make fabulous Welsh rarebit. Its dryness would lend itself to it nicely. Gonna have to get some good sharp cheddar while I'm out and make some one of these days. It completely blows my mind that one of the easiest, cheapest dishes to make, many of my customers buy ready made and frozen. I kid you not.
bread making,